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The thin can popped open, spraying a little bit of liquid on me. As I took a sip my phone started silently buzzing on the counter next to me. I picked it up and answered it as I set the can down .

"Good morning Mira, we are outside of your house so get out here." Jon said wasting no time when I answered.
"Was that your plan? To just come to my house without telling me?" I ask.
"Yes!" I heard Jon yell.
"Well it worked, Im on my way out right now." I said before hanging up the phone.

I grabbed my house keys and adjusted my glasses before walking out the door. I waved at the car in my driveway faintly seeing two hands wave back through the tinted windows.

I tried to open the car door but my smile faded as soon as I saw it was locked. Giving them an annoyed look I pulled on the door a million times before it finally opened.

"You guys are so rude." I said sitting down. "No we aren't we are funny." Jon said looking over his shoulder to me.

"Yeah yeah whatever." I roll my eyes at him. I look over at Josh who is quietly sitting in the passenger seat.

His head was looking down at his hands which were messing with each other in his lap. I was a little confused on why he was so quiet especially after our half decent time together a few days ago.

But I'm his defense it was also 6 in the morning so that's could be it. I tried to let it go for the time being.

"So, are you two excited for tonight?" I asked trying to lighten the mood. "Yea I mean I guess, I've gotten so used to it that it's just routine now." Jon answered shrugging.

After Josh didn't say anything I decided to keep the conversation going. "Wow must be great for you guys huh, to not have to worry every time you go out there."

"No we worry." Josh said practically mumbling. "Yeah he's right uce, we worry we are just used to it by now." Jon added on.

I shrugged a little at there comments, I wish I could just go out and not care what happens. I know that I have performed all the time but it's different in Wwe, more real.

I had a big talking segment tonight and ask I could worry about last night was if I was going to royally duck it up or not.

I picked my phone up and opened up Instagram, sinking down into my seat a little bit. My eyes fixated on everyone's post as I scrolled past, trying to imagine a backstory for each photo for everyone in the photo.

Why the old lady was in the back of one, or the story behind the young couple in another, it's a stupid game I use to past time when I am bored.

I noticed Josh looking back at me a few times but really thought nothing of it. He started to talk more to Jon but still said barely anything to me.

"How far are we?" I asked sitting back up straight. "Probably another twenty or thirty minutes." Jon said.

I reached over the middle of the car and turned the radio on, cutting the awkwardness between all of us.

I fell back down on the seat, looking out the window and taking in the nature. My hand reached out the window and into the cold wind.

The air felt freeing on my palm as I moved it around. Josh looked at me again through the mirror, it was almost like he was staring at every single part of my face, every line and flaw, the thought made me turn my head away from him.

We made it to the arena after a very awkward ten minutes in the silent car. "Lets go uce," Jon said hoping out of the car. I followed him around the car and into the arena.

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