006. ─── trevor wilson

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EPISODE FOUR:i got the music !

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i got the music !

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KAT AND FLYNN APPROACHED JULIE AT HER LOCKER TO SEE HER HAND A BOY BACK HIS DRUMSTICKS. As they got closer, they could hear her humming and watched as she danced slightly in front of her locker. Kat chuckled softly as she watched her, while Flynn let out a laugh loud enough for Julie to hear over her music.

Julie turned to them with wide eyes. "Hey. What's up?"

"Nothing," Flynn dismissed. "It's just nice seeing you back to your weirdo self."

Kat nodded in agreement.

Julie furrowed her eyebrows. "Thanks?"

"So. . ." Flynn began. "How's the band? Still hot? Still talented?" She glanced around and lowered her voice. "Still dead?"

"Amazing," Julie chuckled. "Luke and I spent the whole weekend writing songs, Kat even pitched in a little where she could. Wanna hear some of them?"

"Duh!" Flynn answered, and Julie shut her locker door with a smile on her face, instantly dragging her friends to the music room.

Kat nudged Julie with her elbow. "What was it like writing with him?"

"So easy," Julie answered as they walked into the music room. "It was like it was flowing through me back when I used to write with mom." She sat down at the piano and lifted up the top to reveal the keys. "So this is the first song Luke, Kat, and I wrote. Here's a bit of the chorus." Julie pressed her fingers to the keys and began to sing. "'Cause we're standing on the edge of great, great, great."

She played the last couple of notes before stopping. Julie looked back up to see Kat and Flynn with smiles on their faces.

"I like it! Definite Gaga vibes," Flynn stated, causing both Kat and Julie to giggle softly at her.

"Thanks!" Julie responded, before another idea popped into her head. "Oh! I think we have an anthem with this one. It's something my mom and I were working on, and Luke and I finished it. Check it out."

She placed her fingers back on the keys and began to play a new piece. "And it's one, two, three, four times that I try for one more night, light a fire in my eyes, I'm going out of my mind."

"That one sounds amazing, Jules," Kat voiced.

"That's. . . that's beautiful," Flynn agreed, before she broke out into an even wider smile. "And my girl's got a crush, and his name is Luke."

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