After the Cliffhanger

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You may think with the cliffhanger that I'm going to actually let Scout go through with this, but for the sake of everyone including myself actually enjoying this story, no.
Demo had just killed a Heavy with a grenade when he realizes that Armo wasn't on his bottle. Where did he go? Did he fall out? In his still-decent vision, he spots Scout with Armo dangling above his mouth, and dashes over, snatching Armo with his big sweaty hands.
"Ey you! You ain't gonna be eatin' my wee little man 'ere!"
"What makes you say that, Cyclops?"
"I'll just eat 'im me-self"
Now, one thing you have to understand is that Demoman makes good on his threats, which makes them more like promises. With a swift little hand flick, he tosses Armo right into his open maw and clicks his teeth shut right in front of Scout. Swallowing a teammate wasn't his attention today, but anything to spite Scout is worth his time.
Armo is currently inside the mouth, beginning to get pissed. The Demo tongue swirls around him some, coating him in hot, whiskey-scented saliva as his nostrils burn off from the lingering alcohol and plaque around. He attempts to get up and shoot the everloving crap out of the teeth, but each attempt leaves him slipping back down like he's on a waterslide. After having his outfit soaked, he's pushed near to the back of the throat.
Demoman doesn't want this terrible gunpowder-flavored boy going down raw. Not only would that hurt like a bitch, but whiskey tastes better anyway. So he grabs out his whiskey, pops off the cork with a corkscrew, and takes a big swig of it straight from the bottle. Armo, meanwhile, sees this and immediately dies inside, but also holds his breath as the liquids send him right past the epiglottis into the esophagus. His eyes are somewhat burning with spare whiskey that's made it into his eyeballs, and he's holding his breath for dear life so he doesn't drown in the flaming liquid.
Back outside, Demo sticks his tongue right out at Scout, revealing the empty mouth where an Armo once sat.
"Dude, you're gross", Scout can only reply as he gets shot from behind by the Blue Mesic
"What on Eart zwas happening here?"
"'Ad to eat Armo to protect 'im".
"Zat can't be safe! We must leave at once for ze base!"
Thankfully, Blue Team heard the announcer say "Victory" from the sky and so they needn't worry too much about the tiny man in Demo's guts.
Speaking of the tiny man in Demo's guts, if there were light inside the stomach, you'd see his face red with rage and maybe steam coming from his ears. With absolutely no hesitation, he grabs an AK-47 and wrecks havoc inside Demoman's person. If he hadn't been drinking, he might have felt it, too. Pissed with his clothes ruined by his least favorite alcoholic beverage (he's more into dry wines), being hot and sweating profusely from the humidity of this swampy stomach, he shouts obscenities nobody can really hear over the songs of the stomach churning whiskey and potentially a granola bar.
Back at HQ, the blue Medic, rather than give Demoman ipecac syrup or shove his fingers down his throat, finds an ingenious solution to the problem, a solution that only a man with a PhD and years of experience in the field of medicine could cook up in such a dire moment: beating the shit out of Demo's stomach until he vomits up the Armorer and maybe some blood too. This is when Demoman's beer belly and lack of abs come in handy, as within several brass-knuckled punches, Armo is on the floor surrounded by brown vomit and some blood, as I predicted. The Medic begins panicking and babbling in a German accent as he rushes to clean Armo off while Armo is shouting at Demoman words and phrases that I cannot in good conscience repeat here. Lots of shouting is occurring as the Heavy and Spy back away slowly. The Blue Scout was watching TikTok when he heard this and came in completely oblivious to the massive scene that had been occurring, and man was it one.
It's five hours later now and Armo is sitting with Demo and Heavy on the couch watching Santa Claus Conquers the Martians and discussing the incident from earlier. Armo brings up Red Scout, and Heavy and Spy both ramble on about what an idiot Red Scout is, how he would've choked to death on a deadly battlefield of all places had he gone through with attempting to swallow Armo.
The Spy brings up the idea that maybe Armo shouldn't be out there anymore.
"This is proof that this was never going to work", the Spy, the guy who suggested this in the first place says. "I told you all!"
"Eh, that's fine", Armo replied, "I can always do server work or something."
And so it was. Armo got to work on computers. His size proved effective in repairing parts on old Windows XP computers, bought when the Heavy Update was first talked about. Thus, the neverending war for amusement continued, and everyone involved learned from this experience.
This is except for Red Scout, who did try to swallow a spark plug to prove to his red team companions he could have eaten Armo, and received the Heimlich as a result.

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