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The sight of Suyin's eyes fluttering open could've made Anastasia burst into tears.

It didn't though, because she was still silently crying from seeing Suyin's lifeless body getting pulled out of the water and onto the boat.

The time between CPR being performed and when her pulse came back was hell on earth.

Suyin let out a sigh and Doctor Zhang chuckled while Ana wiped her tears. "Thank god, you scared the hell out of me."

Suyin let out an exhale and tried to sit up quickly. "Whoa, whoa, whoa! Take it easy. You were dead a minute ago."

She let out a sigh, "Doctor," She made eye contact with Jonas. "You got me out."

"It was closer than I woulda liked."

"Can I have a minute with Jonas?"

"Sure," Doctor Zhang agreed and Heller took the blood pressure cuff off.

Ana kissed her on the head and walked behind Doctor Zhang, "Thank you, again." She said to Jonas, he sent a nod in return.

She had thanked him at least three times now. Yeah, it was close like he said, but Ana saw it as at least he got her out, gave her a chance to survive.

"She okay?" Mac asked, "Yeah," Ana smiled.

She felt peace for the first time in the past days, she could relax properly and go back to Mana One and have the best sleep of her life.

"Good. And you are?"

"Fantastic, you?"

"Fantastic," She laughed at him using the same word as her.

Through the whole disaster she's appreciated Mac more than he'll ever know. Him checking in on her was too nice of him, but he loved her so what else did she expect?

Did he love her like a friend?


Did he love her like a lover?

Also yes, not that she'll ever know.

Mac seemed like a person of high confidence, but when it came to professing his love he was a chicken. So was Anastasia, minus her seeming like a person who had confidence.

"Wow," Suyin walked past Mac and Ana, staring up at the ginormous Shark strung up above the deck.

"Hey! Look who's up." The Wall popped out from in front of the Meg.


"How are ya?"

"I'm better. Thank you."

Ana watched The Wall throw his phone to Jonas, posing for the photo, gagging loudly due to the awful smell, and screaming loudly as he fell into the water.

The team laughed loudly at DJ scaring The Wall by moving the meg slightly. "Yo, Jonas, please tell me you got that!"

"I got that, DJ!"

BEYOND THE SEA. JAMES "MAC" MACKREIDES (THE MEG 2018)Where stories live. Discover now