Chapter 2

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"Jihyo unnie?" My thoughts suddenly goes away when Chaeyoung called my name. We we're all in the dining table eating breakfast and I haven't eaten anything on my plate.

"Are you okay? You haven't eaten your food?" The smol cub says to be in concern. "Yes, i'm fine. It's just i've been thinking about stuff."

"What kinds of stuff?" Dahyun joins in as everyone starts to stare at me. 

"uhh.. just work." I said as everyone stops staring at me. I didn't want them to find out about the idea of a road trip i've been thinking of.

"BORING." Dahyun says as she finishes her food.

It's been nearly 10 minutes and everyone already left the dining table while i'm still sitting down still not finished with my breakfast.

I decided to leave my food on the table and head to the living room to go on my laptop. I searched up great destinations to visit to, and one place caught my eye. I decided to research this place a bit more, only for that BUNNY to STEAL MY LAPTOP.

"GIVE IT BACK NAYEON." I yelled at her hoping she'll give it back. But I already know she wouldn't. I tried to get my laptop from Nayeon's big hand but she kept on pushing me away now looking at the screen.

"Are you leaving?" Nayeon now looking at me with a confused look.

"Who's leaving?" Chaeyoung joins in on the conversation.

"Wait, someone's leaving?" The tall maknae comes in the living room followed by the rest of the members.

SHIT, I don't want them to know about the road trip idea.

"Our fellow leader here, is planning to ditch us and go on some vacation by herself." Nayeon said while showing the screen to the members. Everyone is in complete shocked.

"I AM NOT GOING ON ANY VACATION!" I shouted as they all got startled by my loud voice.

"THEN WHY ARE YOU SEARCHING UP VACATION PLACES TO VISIT TO THEN?" Nayeon raised her voice as the rest of the members could only look at us.

"IT'S NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS." I shouted back snatching the laptop from Nayeon's hands and running back to the bedroom.


What the hell just happened?

I could only just stare at the floor not moving a muscle.

"I will go check on her." Tzuyu said as she walks away from the living room

"me too." "me three!" Sana and Mina said as they run together catching up to Tzuyu.

Momo, Dahyun, & Chaeyoung also leaving the living room doing there own thing.

And now it's just Me and Jeongyeon alone in the living room.

"Are you okay?" Jeongyeon asked me while her hand in on my shoulder.

"Yeah, i'm okay.." I said as I looked at her and we started hugging  each other.

Jeongyeon is not just a fellow member of TWICE, she's a trusted friend and confidante. I appreciate Jeongyeon's care, comfort and understanding in times of need, all though she can be such a pain in the ass to deal with 24/7. I know that I can always rely on Jeongyeon to have her back, no matter what.

"I'm hungry Jeongie." I suddenly asked her while doing aegyo. Jeongyeon now looking at me with a disgusting look on her face as she pushed me away and started running.

"HEYYY, COME BACK HERE!" I started chasing her as Jeongyeon starts laughing.


We've been in the bedroom for about 5 minutes and Jihyo is still not telling me, Sana & Mina why she is hiding this 'secret vacation' from us.

"Unnie, why can't you tell us about the vacation Nayeon unnie mentioned? We're all curious." I said to her as I sat down beside her.

"It's nothing, really. Just a little something I've been working on." Jihyo responded as she doesn't look at me nor Sana & Mina.

Sana, never one to be patient, plopped down on Jihyo's other side, resting her chin on Jihyo's shoulder.

"Come on, Jihyo! You know you can't keep secrets from us. It's driving us crazy!" Sana says in a playful tone.

Mina, who has been silent, finally stood in front of Jihyo, her arms crossed.

"Jihyo, we're a team. If this vacation is for you, don't you think we should know about it?" Scary Mina always scares the living shits out of me.

Jihyo sighed, closing the her laptop. She looked at each of them, seeing the genuine curiosity and slight worry in their eyes.

"It's... It's not for me." Jihyo finally says as we all look at her confused.

"What do you mean by that Jihyo unnie?" I said still looking at her. What the hell does she mean the vacation is not for her? Is it someone we don't know?

"The vacation I've been planning.... is for us." She said as Me, Sana & Mina we're all shocked. I swear the silence was so loud I could have been deaf.

"I didn't mean to make you all worried. It's just... I wanted it to be a surprise. Something special for all of us, especially after the busy schedule we've had." Jihyo says as she breaking the silence.

I could see that Sana's eyes softened, and she gently took Jihyo's hand.

"We understand that, Jihyo. But we want to help, too. We're a family, remember?" Sana says as I held Jihyo's other hand. 

Jihyo couldn't help but smile at their eagerness. She took a deep breath and decided it was time to share her plan.

"Alright, alright. I'll tell you. I've thought of this idea today and started planning a vacation for all of us at a mountain resort. I wanted it to be a break from everything! No schedules, no rehearsals, just us relaxing and having fun." Mina's face lit up with a huge grin and Sana clapped her hands in delight.

"I knew it would be something incredible! Thank you, Jihyo!" Sana says as she hugs Jihyo's arm.

"This is perfect, unnie. Thank you for thinking of us." I said as I squeezed Jihyo's hand.

Jihyo felt a wave of relief wash over her. She was glad she could finally share her secret and even more glad that her members were as excited as she was. But now she need's to talk to the rest of them.

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