Chapter 17

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"Would you like me to run you a bath (L/N)-sama."

"Y-You really don't have to address me so formally."

The woman shook her head. "I must, Kuchiki-sama has instructed that we regard you with the same level of respect we would do for any noble."

"I'm not a noble, so it's not necessary."

"But-" you smile.

I can take care of my own bath, you can relax. Yuki-san." Her cheeks flush.

"You..remembered my name? "

"I mean yeah, you've been taking care of me for the last few weeks, it would be kind of rude if I didn't." You can see the sparkles in her eyes. "You truly are a remarkable woman." She starts crying and you panic.

"H-Hey no need to cry, p-please stop."

"I can't help it, you're just so incredible (L/N)-sama!"

"Please stop calling me that." you sweatdrop.

Since coming here, it's been a little strange. All of the maids and workers treated you like royalty, and it was nice, but it made you feel like a bigger burden. At one point you tried sneaking off to do some housework, but you'd been caught red handed, sent back to relax. They insisted on handling everything.

Being under Byakuya's care, you really couldn't do much. It's not like he kept you hostage, he was willing to accompany you wherever you wanted to go, you always felt like you were being a bother, so you settled for adventuring around the manor. It was a pretty big place.

"Tch, that lowly soul causing a ruckus again. "

The male voice has you turning. Yuki bows the minute he walks in. Another noble. He had dark hair, similar to Byakuya's. His eyes also emitted the same feel. Yet with Byakuya, he seemed a lot more respectful. This male's expression just emitted arrogance.

"You can't even show respect, you are a guest here. "

"This is Byakuya's home, he's the only one I have to show respect to. " Yuki is tense.

"(L-L/N)-sama please be more respectful. This is the second son, Jun of the Kuchiki household. I apologize sir, she isn't aware of your position. She meant no disrespect."

"Is anyone talking to you!" Yuki cowers back at the yell. He steps to her, and you slide between them, the second he raises his hand, you grab it, stopping any hit he would deliver. His face contorts in anger.

"You're pathetic, raising your hand at a woman. " He growls, pulling his hand back.

"You insolent girl." You don't expect it when he disappears, the same way you'd seen Byakuya done many times.

You flinch when he's right behind you, and you barely have a chance to react. A scarf blocks your view.

"I hope you had not been intending to cause harm to my guest,"

The look in Byakuya's eyes spoke volumes. It sent chills up your spine. It was even directed at you and you were intimidated.

"The next time you decide to act so disrespectfully, remember who's home you're in." It was a threat, and Jun sneered at him, pulling his hand back roughly.

"You're a disgrace to the Kuchiki name. You keep bringing strays in like it's some kind of petting zoo."

You clench your fist. Jun just scoffs, turning his back as he leaves.

"That guy really is a piece of work."

"Are you hurt?"

His gaze is transfixed on you, and they look so caring. Completely different from just a few moments ago. You almost think you imagined it all.

"I-I'm okay." you're somehow embarrassed now that he has his attention solely on you. Yuki notices the atmosphere, smiling. "I will take my leave sir."

Byakuya nods at that, and she's about to head off.

"Hey, are you okay?"

You had gotten between her when Jun was being a dick, but you know she must have been scared. Regardless of what he said to her, she didn't have the luxury of firing any responses back. Once again she looks taken aback. A smile spreads on her face.

"I'm fine, thank you (L/N)-sama." She bows, right before she's gone again. Byakuya is still watching you, and you blush.

"It was irresponsible to pick a fight, you should be more careful. You could have gotten hurt," You actually thought he would scold you for being rude to the guy. He was his family after all.

"I'm sorry. I'm not trying to cause you trouble. I just..she's not as strong as you are. Yuki didn't deserve the way he spoke to her. "

"You're not upset at the fact that he called you a stray."

"Of course I'm upset, but I know my value. That idiot can say what he wants. If I knew how to move like that I would have surely given him a beating." your orbs brighten, and suddenly you look way too excited.

"C-Can you teach me!"

A bead of sweat runs down the side of his head.

"Teach you what exactly."

"That disappearing thing you guys do. It's so cool. I'd love to learn it. P-Please teach me."

He wants to deny, solely because he'll never stop worrying, but maybe showing you how to control this would tamper whatever other abilities you might have. That would save him future worries.

"Very well, I'll teach you."


You run and hug him, and Byakuya is stiff.

You retract with a grin, and Byakuya can't help but marvel at your adorable expression.

"I've never seen this side of her."

All the other times he was always providing comfort because you were always scared or alone. He'd never gotten a chance to see all the sides of you. The playful, protective, caring, cute. He didn't want to dwell on it. It was much better with this memory of you. He wanted to remember only the good, not the pain.

"Would you like to begin right now?"


They may have been exactly what he needed. 

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