Chapter One

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I proposed to Haley, and she said no. She said we were too young, and that we could talk about it later. I didn't want to talk about it later. I handed her. Ack her shirt and told her to leave. I needed time to think. I loved Haley; I wanted everything with her. Obviously she didn't feel the same.

There was a bottle of Jack in the freezer leftover from Tim's last party. I drank until I didn't hurt anymore. Until I didn't feel anything at all anymore.

I passed out on the couch, video game controller in hand. When I woke up, all traces of Haley James were gone. Pictures has been shredded and tossed away, notes were crumbled messes on the floor. It was over and I didn't want her back. I wanted to forget she existed.

I was pissed at Lucas for bringing Haley into my life. Had he stayed at the river court, I never would have met her. She wouldn't have had the chance to hurt me. I wanted to erase Lucas from existence as well. Everything bad in my life was because of that guy. I hated him.

Basketball was my only way out of this God forsaken town so I had no choice, I had to go to class. I downed a bottle of water, took two Advil and a hot shower, and then I was on my way.

Straight to the hell my life had become.

I was sure that by now word has spread. Haley had a big mouth sometimes. I adjusted my backpack and headed to class. I'd ignore all of it for as long as I could.

Tim took his seat beside me and, in usual Tim fashion, was bragging about a girl he slept with. Tim talked a lot without ever saying much. He was good for a laugh, and he loved to party. That's why I kept him around.

"What do you say, Nate? Party tonight? I can bring the girls."

"Sure, Tim. A party sounds great." I could use a night to get wasted. To hook up with someone new. Someone to get my mind off Haley. Haley never let me touch her, she pulled away every time we got close to something real. Her legs were locked together at the knees. I don't know what I was thinking falling for her. I should have broken her heart a long time ago. Like I originally planned.

"Check it out. New girl."

I looked up to see a gorgeous brunette at the front of the class. Mr.Turner introduced her as Dallas Clancy. The only free seat was on my other side. Perfect.

I smiled watching her long legs make their way towards me. She wore Converse, shirts and a Van Halen shirt. Her olive skin was flawless. She was hot and she knew it. I could tell by how she carried herself.

"Make her feel welcome." Mr.Turner said.

Oh, I will.

"Hey, I'm Nathan Scott, captain of the Ravens. Welcome to Tree Hill." I held my hand out to her.

She placed her hand in mine and I gave her a small squeeze. "Dallas, but you can call me Dally. So, Nathan, what is there to do in this little town?"

"I'm actually having a party tonight. You wanna come?"

"You have no idea." She smirked wickedly and I was suddenly in a much better mood.

I planned on walking Dallas to her next class, but Lucas was waiting for me. I rolled my eyes and shrugged my shoulders. "What do you want, man?"

He glanced at Dallas then back at me. "I just wanted to see if you were okay. Haley told me what happened."

"Mind your own business, Lucas. I'm fine." Tim and Dallas followed my lead as I walked past my brother.

"Are all the boys in Tree Hill cute?" I heard Dallas asking.

"None of them are like me." I told her cooly. I stopped outside her next class. "Brooke Davis is in this class. Sit with her and she'll tell you all about Tree Hill. I'll see you later."

Lunch hour was normally spent with Haley tutoring. I wasn't about to show up today. God help her I'd she believed I would.

Tim and I went off campus for lunch. There was a burger joint we liked but I hadn't been to in a while. Haley kept bringing me food from Karen's Cafe.

"It's really over then?" Tim asked, grease dripping down his face.

"It's really over. And I'm fine."

"But Lucas is still on the team."

"So what?" Tim didn't make much sense a lot of the time. I didn't care about Lucas being a Raven. "We can shut him out. Keep the ball from him." The Ravens were still my team, those guys did exactly what I said to do.

Haley caught up to me at the lockers when I came back from lunch. I felt sick seeing her and almost thought about ditching class. I couldn't avoid her forever, so I took a deep breath and walked over. I tried to mask any readable expression. Haley was always good at knowing what I was thinking. I didn't want her to have that affect on me anymore.

"What do you want, Haley?" I asked,  trying to sound uninterested. All I wanted to do was pull her into an empty classroom and kiss her.

"You weren't at tutoring today."

"I can't be around you right now. Not for a while. I'll find another tutor."

"Nathan, c'mon, is that necessary? We had a fight and we need to talk about that."

"I don't want to talk right now, Haley. I need distance. When I'm ready, if I'm ever ready, I'll come find you. Okay? And tell Lucas to back off, too."

"Nathan, I--"

"Don't. Just don't."

I hated that defeated look on her face as she walked away. I loved that girl more than I thought I love anyone. She loved me when I didn't think I was worthy of love. Now it was over and I didn't know what to do with me emotions.

I pushed myself at practice. I snapped at my teammates that weren't giving one-hundred percent. My focus was on the game, on the championship I deserved to win. Basketball was my priority again. I had been an idiot to ever put anything, or anyone, first.

Tim came over early to set up for the party. He convinced his older brother to buy a couple kegs and some liquor. I didn't care who showed up, I just wanted to get drunk and forget for a while.

In typical Tim fashion, things were getting out of control and Dallas hadn't talked to me since she showed up. I watched her every few minutes. Watched as she talked and flirted with whoever was close to her. She met my eyes once and smiled, but I stayed on the couch.

I out the bottle of Jack to my lips and took a long swig. The burning sensation was erasing Haley little by little. My mind was getting hazy and I liked it that way. I almost didn't notice when a brunette sat down beside me.

"Why so serious?" Dallas chirped, a red cup in her hand.

"Waiting on you to come over." I said with another swig.

"Tim sorta stole me. I've been trying to get over here to you." She sipped from her cup, tequila it smelled like. "Brooke told me about your girlfriend. You wanna talk about it? I'm a good listener."

"I don't want to talk. What else are you good at?"

She smirked and stood from the couch. She adjusted her skirt and then held out her hand. "Let's go find out."

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