Chapter Two

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When she kissed me, I tasted Haley. The heat and the passion took me back to two nights ago when Haley was in my room.

It rained all day and by the time we made it inside we were cold and soaked. We went to the bedroom to dry off with towels. Haley surprised me when she took off her shirt and pushed me back onto the bed. I tried  not to pressure her about sex. I knew she wanted to wait. I was fine waiting until she was ready, and she seemed ready that night.

In my drunken mind, all I thought about was Haley. It was her clothes falling to the floor, he hands caressing my chest. It was Haley's voice moaning my name as I pushed into her. She moved her hips and wrapped her legs around my waist. "Oh, Haley, I love you." I said in between kissing her lips, her neck, her breasts.  I lost myself in the moment, the euphoria of being with her this way. I never expected something so intoxicating.

One final thrust and I collapsed on the bed beside her. She rolled over and put her head on my chest. "That was great, Nathan, but you called me Haley. My name is Dallas."

Dallas? Now I was sober and full of regret. I stood from the bed and got dressed. "I'm sorry. You should go."

"Nate, it's okay. I don't mind." She slid on her skirt and her bra then walked over to me. "I can help you get over Haley. You can use me however you want." The old me would have been all about that arrangement. Halwy changed me, though. She's the only girl I wanted.

"I gotta go." I closed the bedroom door and told Tim to have everybody out of the apartment before I came back. I had to clear my head.

The river court would be a good place to go until my apartment cleared out. Hopefully no one would be there and I could think alone. Everything was so messed up and I felt like a mess. I wanted to take back the proposal. If I could just talk to Haley, maybe she would take me back. I needed a chance to tell her that I was sorry. She was right and marriage was a huge step. We weren't ready and I could see that now. I love her, that's all that mattered. That's all she needed to know. All I wanted her to know.

I heard voices, laughter as I got closer to the river court. Lucas, of course he was there. Skills and Mouth, too. Another guy I didn't know was sitting next to Haley. Too close if you asked me.

The game stopped when they spotted me. It was too late to turn around now. "Nate. Hey." Lucas spoke first. I didn't miss the glance in Haley's direction. "What are you doing here?"

I didn't take my eyes off Haley. "Just needed to clear my head, man. Didn't mean to interrupt anything."

Against my instincts, I walked away, back towards the main road. "Nathan, wait." I stopped at her voice. That sweet like honey sound made my knees weak. "Are you okay? Can we talk, please?"

I looked over her shoulder to see Lucas was watching is. Always the protector. "Haley, it's late. Maybe some other time."

"Nathan, please don't walk away from this. Five minutes, that's all I'm asking for. Please?"

I stood there looking at her. Her brown hair tied in a bun, that ridiculous crochet poncho she wore, and I knew I'd do anything for her. "Yeah, let's talk." We walked away from the court and over to the gazebo near the river. She looked distant, afraid, insecure. Three things Haley James was not. She was like this right now because of me, and I hated that.

"I'm sorry, Hales. If I could take it back, I would. I just want things to go back to normal with us."

"You'd take back your proposal?" She sounded hurt. "Nathan, I don't want you to do that. I'm sorry I reacted the way I did. You just scared me. I wasn't expecting that right then. I've thought about it, though, and we are young, but you are who I want to spend my life with. Marriage is a big deal, but if you're sure you're ready for that, then Nathan, so am I. I could love you forever. I want to love you forever."

I couldn't believe it. I wrapped my arms around her and kissed her like I never had before. "I love you, Haley James. Always and forever."

"Forever." She gently, playfully bit my bottom lip. "But wr do have to talk to my parents about this."

"In the morning. Together. I want this, Haley." I placed her hand over my racing heart so she could feel what she did to me.

"I want it too, Nathan. I love you so much."

I don't know how long we stood there holding each other, but it wasn't long enough.

"Haley Bob, you ready?" A voice I didn't recognize was too close. My grip around her small body tightened and my jaw clenched. I'd fight if I had to.

She briefly buried her face in my sweatshirt before pulling away. "Your timing is the worst, Topher." She lightly laughed but didn't let go of me. "Nathan, this is my brother. He just moved back home."

The jealousy disappeared and I relaxed. I sometimes forgot that Haley was the youngest of seven. "Nice to meet you. I'm Nathan Scott."

"I know who you are. Haleys told me all about you. Nice to see you two kids worked it out. You riding joke with me, sis?"

She looked up at me with hooded eyes and gently bit her lip. "Yeah, I'll be right there."

"I'll wait at the car."

Once he was out of earshot Haley reverted back to being insecure. "Maybe tomorrow isn't a good idea."

"Why not? It's great that your brother is back isn't it?"

She nodded. "Yeah, we're really close. We tell each other everything. It's just, I don't want to overshadow him being home."

"Haley, baby, you're overthrowing it." I tucked her hair behind her ears and kissed her forehead. "Why don't we tell him first tomorrow? Then if that goes well, we'll tell your parents. If your brother supports us it'll be easier, right?"

"Right." Her face lit up. "You're the best, Nathan. I'll see you tomorrow."

She kissed me and then skipped to her brother's car. I let out a long breath and headed back to the rivercourt, where Lucas and the guys were still playing.

"You good?" Luke asked, tossing the ball my way.

I caught it and made a jump shot. "Great. We worked it out." That's all I was letting him know.

"I'm glad. Don't screw it up, Nate." He held up his hands for the ball. "Let's shoot for teams."

This is where I belonged. On the basketball court, not at a lame party.

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