Chapter 16 - Million Berry, Baby

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The raid against Cocoyasi City's Naval Base continues with Fabian's victory over the corrupt marines and the near draw between two warriors, ending with Shamara as the victor. Meanwhile, as Rudra blasts down walls and doors alike, taking the path of least resistance, he hears Shamara's roar of victory echoing through the halls of the base. Upon hearing his friend and subordinate, he can't help but crack a smile and feel pride under his mask. "That's my boys..." snickers Rudra as he demolishes yet another wall before facing what must be the doors to Navy Captain Adolf Aryan's office. The doors towering before Rudra are impressively large, standing at an imposing 20 feet tall and adorned with intricate wood carvings depicting the tale of Donquixote Doflamingo and his acts of piracy, human trafficking, and tyranny over the kingdom once known as Dressrosa. However, above the carvings is an emblem that makes Rudra seethe with an overwhelming amount of rage as he swiftly shatters the door into smithereens, blowing it off its hinges.

As Rudra steps through the splintered remains of the door, he is greeted by the sight of Captain Adolf Aryan, standing with an air of arrogance and disdain. The room is lavishly decorated and adorned with the severed heads of different species of fishmen and other species, a stark contrast to the blood-stained halls Rudra and his comrades have battled through. Aryan's eyes glint with malevolence as he smirks at Rudra, clearly unfazed by the destruction and chaos outside. "Ah, the man in red," Aryan drawls, his voice dripping with contempt. "I've been expecting you. Your reputation precedes you, but I'm afraid it ends here." Rudra's eyes narrow as he surveys the room, noting the chains, the pools of blood, and the desperate, broken figures of the captives. His rage builds to a boiling point, and the air around him crackles with electricity. Above Aryan's desk, the emblem that made Rudra seethe with overwhelming rage gleams ominously—a symbol he has not seen since the night his family was slaughtered.

The emblem of the syndicate that murdered his family. His fury becomes almost palpable as memories of that horrific night flood his mind: the screams, the blood, the helplessness he felt as his loved ones were torn from him. The air around him intensifies with electrical energy, crackling violently as he focuses his wrath on the vile Navy Captain. "Your reign of terror ends today, Aryan. Prepare yourself," Rudra growls, his voice a low thunder.

Aryan laughs, drawing a pair of ornate, gun blades that are wickedly serrated. "We'll see about that," he sneers, lunging at Rudra with surprising speed. Rudra meets Aryan's attack head-on, their weapons clashing with a deafening roar, Rudra's golden knuckle dusters and Aryan's serrated gun blades. Sparks fly as lightning crackles around Rudra, his movements a blur of fury and precision. Aryan is a skilled fighter, matching Rudra blow for blow, but Rudra's determination and unyielding spirit drive him forward. With each strike, Rudra remembers the suffering and injustice Aryan has inflicted on the innocent, as well as the personal vendetta that fuels his rage. His anger fuels his strength, and he fights with the ferocity of a storm. Aryan's confidence begins to wane as he realizes the true extent of Rudra's power and the deep-seated vendetta driving him.

Meanwhile, outside the office, Shamara and Fabian, recovering from their battles, make their way towards Rudra's location. They know the final confrontation is imminent and are determined to support their captain in any way they can. On their way to Rudra's location, Fabian is still seen to be carrying Shamara in his arms, as his legs were still rattled from his duel before. "Oh mannnn...! My super amazing and awesome mask got chipped in that fight with that honourable filthy half breed of a soldier," whined Shamara. With a look of disapproval at what Shamara had said, Fabian chimes in "I'm a half breed. Is that so bad?" Shamara had looked up at Fabian in shame, now visibly showing how sorry he felt at his comment directed at Rosco and Rosco alone "No Leapfrog, being a half breed isn't bad. I'm sorry if you felt attacked by my words, not many know this but, I use subtle forms of racism as a way to cope with stressful situations. In no way or form do I believe the things I say. I gotta ask though... Just how the hell did your father knock up your mother?!" Shamara's last statement made Fabians face turn a shade of red from embarrassment and as a response, decided not to dignify Shamara with an answer.

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