Search Party

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"This is the worst day of my life." Skeppy decided, eating his breakfast quickly. "They can't just end camp early."

"Skeppy, Cellbit is missing." Bad was arguably upset too, but he had the respect to hide it. He did not want to return home yet. He did not want to leave Skeppy.

"He's probably stalking in the trees or being weird."

"Shush." Bad nudged him. "Don't be mean. I'm disappointed too. Just hope we can find him."

Foolish walked over to the table and sat across from Étoiles. "Yo, what is going on? Did any of you see Cellbit last night?"

Étoiles felt small in the presence of Foolish. Perhaps it was because last night Valerie admitted to him that there was a small part of her still clung to Foolish. And that's why she was distancing herself, to not hurt him.

"We saw him and Roier in the cabin arguing but that's all." Étoiles said simply.

Foolish sucked his teeth. "Jesus, Roier is going to be in some tough shit if we don't find him. He's the last person that was with Cellbit."

"Yeah well we know Roier wouldn't hurt him." Bad reminded everyone. "He might've gotten lost, he likes to wander."

"They should ask Troy." Bagi suggested. "Troy seemed to hate Cellbit the most."

"You guys really think someone is responsible?" Skeppy asked, starting to feel ashamed for being selfish.

"Oh, definitely." Bagi nodded. "I mean he walked around a lot so how would he just get lost?"

"He might be stubborn, doesn't want to be found." Étoiles suggested.

"I don't know..." Foolish chewed his lip. "There were a lot of people out last night. The end of summer is starting to get to everyone. So many people were out messing around and making out."

Tina and Bagi turned pink as if Foolish knew about something that they were hiding. Tina slid her hand into Bagi's underneath the table, relaxing when it was squeezed lovingly.

"Bagi..." Bad started. "Cellbit said once that you're his that...true?"

Bagi gripped Tina's hand aggressively, letting go when she squeaked. "Y-yes...but he hates me and it's kind of a difficult situation. He lives with our mom, I live our dad so..."

"Oh..." Bad looked up at the clock on the wall. "Five minutes."

"I really don't want to hike around the woods looking for him. Don't they have police for this? What if we get lost?" Étoiles complained.

"This is the kind of thing you want to solve quietly, if you can." Bad figured. "I bet no one even knows about the violence that took place here this summer. I bet Jonathan's parents think he slipped. I bet Melissa's parents think she just got homesick."

Skeppy agreed. "Yeah this summer camp is actually really scuffed if you think about it. Not what they wanted to achieve at all."

"Low funding, high ambitions." Bad muttered.

" least we all got to meet each other, right?" Tina looked for a positive note.

Everyone at the table groaned.


Everyone hiked in groups. Trying to cover as much area as possible. To Étoiles displeasure, Valerie was assigned his group.

"Hey." Valerie used this to her advantage, Étoiles walking alone. "Are you upset about last night?"


Summer Flings {Skephalo Summer Camp AU} CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now