Crimson Flames in the Villains World (Part 1)

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It was already another cold night within the House of Hearth while you'd began your rounds making sure to help Arlecchino..your comrade but also your friend from childhood.

Since you became one of the 11th Fatui Harbingers after having and yielding so much bloodshed on your hands..It's no wonder why you both get to share the title of 'The Knave' or well..It's not very clear.

"I made sure that all the Childern are asleep Arlecchino.." You'd had spoke out quietly making sure to not wake up any of the orphans.. "After all, We can't let them find out about our work behind in the shadows." I'd had spoke out coldly..

Sitting down directly infront of the hearth's fire. "Arlecchino..We should get to work." You'd had spoke out before a nod came from her head.

"You're completely right Y/N, We mustn't let the childern find out otherwise they wouldn't trust me as their 'Father', We must make haste...After all." She'd had spoke out without much of a single hint of emotion within her words or tone.

As the two of you exitted the house of hearth through the cover of night in Fontaine..You'd had pulled up your hood and made sure your steps were quiet.

"Huh..? Could that be..The Hydro Archon..?" You'd had asked out while you'd had watched quietly. She'd had took a deep pause before sighing.

"But why would the famed Hydro Archon be out all alone..?" She'd had asked out placing her thumb on her lips... "Oh doesn't matter.." she'd had spoke out fairly quiet without a hint of emotion.

You'd had turned around before gasping in shock when suddenly a carriage as black as night pulled to a stop infront of the two of you. "You weren't expecting a carriage were you Arlecchino..?" You'd had asked out.

But of course she'd had just shook her head and looked utterly dumbfounded and confused. "No..But then again..Perhaps one of the agents called it for us..?" She'd had spoke out while deep in thought..

"Two noble crimson bloodlines..That we're fated to meet.."

"Perhaps it was fate that should take place..Take the hand shown to you in the mirror..."

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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