chapter fifteen

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The next day unfolded with a whirl of excitement, as Prince's unexpected invitation to California set a new cascade of possibilities into motion. Packing my bag felt like preparing for an adventure, each item a promise of unknown experiences to come. The mixture of nerves and anticipation was palpable as I zipped up my suitcase, the familiar task taking on an entirely new significance under the circumstances.

When the car arrived to pick me up, I took a deep breath before stepping out of my apartment, suitcase in hand. The sight of Prince sitting in the back, waiting for me, instantly dissolved any lingering anxiety. His presence was reassuring, a reminder that this trip was not just a business obligation for him but a shared journey.

He greeted me with his characteristic warm smile, his eyes lighting up as I approached. "You look great," he complimented, his voice soft, carrying a note of genuine appreciation. As I settled into the car, he leaned in to kiss my cheek, a gesture so effortlessly chic and affectionate it might have been plucked from a Parisian street scene. The brief contact sent a warm flush through me, a mix of delight and a slight bashfulness at his proximity and the casual intimacy of the gesture.

As the car pulled away from the curb, Prince turned to me, his demeanor relaxed yet clearly excited about the trip. "I'm glad you could come," he said. "I promise it won't be all business. We'll have some fun, explore a bit. California has a lot to offer."

The drive to the airport was filled with an easy conversation, Prince sharing anecdotes about previous trips and outlining some of what he had planned for us in California. His enthusiasm was infectious, and by the time we reached the private airstrip where his jet was waiting, my initial nervousness had transformed into eager anticipation.

As we boarded the jet, the familiar sense of luxury and privacy of Prince's travel accommodations enveloped me. The steward greeted us with a friendly nod, ushering us into the plush interior where everything spoke of understated elegance. Prince settled into his seat with a practiced ease, motioning me to the seat beside him.

As the engines started with a gentle rumble, that old, slight nervousness about flying returned, but it was quickly soothed by Prince's calm presence. He noticed my brief moment of tension and reached over to take my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "It's going to be a smooth flight," he assured me, his voice steady and confident.

The ascent was gentle, the city below shrinking rapidly as we climbed higher. With the skyline slipping away beneath us, Prince turned our conversation to what awaited us in California. He talked about meetings and a few industry events he needed to attend but was quick to include the leisure activities he had planned around them. "There's this great little jazz club I know you'll love, and the coast is beautiful this time of year," he explained, his eyes bright with the promise of shared experiences.

As the flight settled at cruising altitude, the steward offered us a selection of refreshments, and Prince suggested we toast to our trip. The clink of our glasses in the quiet hum of the jet felt like sealing our little adventure, marking the beginning of a new chapter in what was rapidly becoming a series of shared journeys.

The hours passed quickly with more conversation, some music, and the shared comfort of each other's company. Prince was an engaging travel companion, effortlessly blending discussion of art, music, and personal anecdotes that painted a broader picture of his life outside of our interactions.

As we approached California, the view from the windows shifted to reveal the sprawling landscape of the coast, bathed in the soft light of late afternoon. The sight was breathtaking, and Prince pointed out landmarks and shared bits of history and personal memories associated with them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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