painful vent month of may😓

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Look guys, if I hurt you it wasn't my intention I always be a stupid jerk to people I'm so sorry.

But _Big_Disturbed-Fan08 hurt me and I'm not leaving I'm just hurt who the fuck goes and plans a wedding knowing that I liked them before and now you basically saying sorry I'm still mad y'know why? Because I care about you once I said once! Fuck those feelings because honestly I don't feel anything for you anymore I'm too hurt, too vulnerable, and too much fucking pressured for this shit.

I want you to think about how I've treated and how you've treated me not very fairly mhm. The butterflies and happiness I got from you hm... Well gone! Completely gone and it won't be recovered plus the trust I had on you is gone too you can't recover that shit either.

But huge thanks to him I feel upset still. I'm sick I threw up and today and yesterday wasn't my day okay I fell asleep in the car and barely communicated with my parents. I hate being isolated but at the same time I have a space where I don't have to talk or think I'm annoying anyone, you feel me?

Uhhh also this is a vent don't like it then don't read it! Gn....

Might be offline tomorrow to be honest. Idc anymore 😓

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