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Tara stares at me with her mouth dropped after I fill her in on everything. How Colby and I are seeing each other again. How Sam is going on a date. Everything.

"Please say something." I whine anxiously. It's not often that she's speechless like this.

"Well I knew about you and Colby, but Sam going on a date is a surprise to me." She clears her throat, folding her hands in her lap.

I pierce my eyes at her, "How'd you know about me and Colby?"

She takes a sharp breath, becoming aware that she just revealed something she didn't think I'd catch, "I've been seeing Jake.. and I heard him and his friend Johnnie talking about it because he saw you guys."

I throw my head back with annoyance, "LA isn't THAT fucking small! How the fuck is everyone friends?" I grunt out loud. What the actual fuck dude. I refocus on the first half of what she told me, "You and Jake?"

"Yeahhh," she drags, "anything I should know because I'm kind of invested?" She slips back into lalaland, gushing at the thought of him.

"Uh, only that he was cooking breakfast for Morgan the last time I saw him." I gag, shivering at the memory.

"The bitch you punched?" She gasps, covering her mouth with her hand.

I purse my lips and nod, disapprovingly.

She blinks in thought for a moment before straightening her posture, "I'll worry about that later. What are we gonna do about Kat?" She switches the subject promptly.

We both stop and consider the question, when at the same time we look back up and lock eyes.


I slouch in the chair across from Tara, making sure I have a clear view of the table while keeping myself out of eyeshot. Tonight, I'm the eyes, and Tara's the ears. After Sam and whatsherface sat down, Tara walked passed their table with her hood up and dropped an AirPod without being noticed.

"They're talking about favorite fucking colors." Tara groans, crossing her arms. I smirk at her before locking my gaze back to them.

The girl looks eerily similar to Kat. They have a lot of the same features. Sam is sitting upright, but what she can't see from her perspective is the way he's bouncing his leg.

I suppress a yelp as to not draw attention to myself when I feel a hand on my shoulder. I snap my head over, knitting my brows at the unexpected sight of Colby standing beside me.

I pull him down into the empty chair next to me, "What are you doing here? They're gonna see you!" I chastise in a hushed whisper as he matches my posture and ducks down.

"I missed you. And I'm curious as to what the fuck he's doing because he was crying over Kat like two days ago." He grins, peaking his head over to look at the two.

Tara stares at us with a small smile. Colby introduces himself when he notices.

She shushes him and points to the AirPod in her ear, mouthing 'I'm trying to listen.' He quickly nods his head with understanding before resting his hand on my thigh.

"This is so gross." Tara cringes again.

"What are they saying?" I chime eagerly. I watch the girl as she talks about something excitedly.

"Literally the most boring ass small talk. No one fucking cares about your favorite food." She indirectly speaks to the girl.

Colby leans close to my ear, the hair on my arms standing when I feel his words hit, "Sam hates small talk." I hide a grin. Not that I'm praying on anyone's downfall here, but I definitely am.

"Sam seems really disinterested." Tara tells us, reading into his tones.

We sit and spy for maybe another half hour, and as soon as they're both finished with their plates of food, they part ways. Sam stays sat at the table, his smile dropping as soon as she's out the door. I watch as he digs his phone out of his pocket, and seconds later I feel my own vibrate from my pocket.

I grab it and look at the text.

Sam: You free rn?

I tilt the screen towards Colby and he looks at it questionably before I type back a response.

Y/N: I'm with Colby atm..

I glance up and see him shaking his head with a smirk down at his phone. Happiest he's looked all night.

Sam: Perfect. I need advice.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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