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𝐷𝑅𝐸𝐴𝑀 𝐿𝑂𝑉𝐸𝑅𝑆<3𝑁𝐴𝐷𝐼𝐴 𝐴𝐷𝑂𝑅𝐸 𝐺𝑅𝐸𝐸𝑁 | 𝑁𝐴𝑁𝐴 | ATL📍|21"Bust it open, shawty when the light shine (The lights shine) Still fuckin' with the same ass niggas (Niggas)I know you want a break I-I-I know you want a break from To...

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"Bust it open, shawty when the light shine (The lights shine) Still fuckin' with the same ass niggas (Niggas)
I know you want a break I-I-I know you want a break from Toronto"

I still can't believe Im a mother it feels so unreal I'm so in love with them, Nasar has been so helpful through my whole process and all I can say is I'm not having any more children so Nasar better enjoy these two for 18 years plus.

"Hello, Ms.Green just a reminder that you can go home today the twins passed all their tests with flying colors and you are in top-notch space" My nurse smiled I nodded

"Okay, thank you"I smiled rocking Azir who was falling asleep in my arms

He's such a mama boy

"about dam time, tired of this hard ass couch" Nasar spoke with excitement standing up and placing kisses on Azaria's face

"boy shush" I mugged setting Azir down on the bed who instantly started getting cranky

"Im right here baby" I picked him back up he stopped getting fussy and closed his eyes

"cry baby ass boy"

"leave my son alone"I mugged grabbing the bags with the baby clothes

"not my fault he's a mama boy"

"Like you aren't a mama and granny boy" I looked up at him

"and is what about it?"

"So sassy" I shook my head pulling out a cute matching outfit to put them in

"Change her diaper and get her dressed baby," I said handing Nasar her outfit he looked at me like I was crazy

"Nasar you going to have to change her one day"

"Nope, I got Zir you got Zaria, "He said calling them by their nicknames

"Babe, im not always going to be around, just change her" I laughed

"I don't want to hurt her babe, you know im heavy-handed as fuck" He said with a straight face I just shook my head

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