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𝐷𝑅𝐸𝐴𝑀 𝐿𝑂𝑉𝐸𝑅𝑆<3𝑁𝐴𝑆𝐴𝑅 𝐶𝐴𝑀𝑅𝑂𝑁 𝐺𝑅𝐴𝑌 | 𝑆𝐿𝐼𝑀𝐸 | ATL📍|23"I don't wanna be a player I just want you to wind slow on me like a Jamaican I'm addicted to bad bitches like I never had bitches They know I'm the man, I ain't brag...

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"I don't wanna be a player I just want you to wind slow on me like a Jamaican I'm addicted to bad bitches like I never had bitches They know I'm the man, I ain't braggin', I'm just saying"

"Well, nigga is it your baby?"Trey asked me I mugged him

I was telling him the story about Ashely and Nadia, shit was fucking me up I just want us to go back to how we were

"No, nigga"I took a pull from my blunt

"You sure? What if it is?" He asked giving me a side eye

"If it is...that means someone set me up," I said he just shook his head

"You just be fucking hoes without wrapping up?"

"Hell no" I mugged

"You sure? Cause you did fuck Nadia and now y'all got not one but two dam kids" he said I slowly turned my head to look at him

"Get out my car" I simply said unlocking the door

"As you wish, fuck you and this car your ass got worst shit to worry about instead of kicking me out" he vented slamming the door I shrugged relighting my blunt

My phone dinged I picked it up seeing Ashley had texted me back, I texted her to link up so we can talk about what the fuck is going on

I started my car driving to the location where I told Shawty to meet me at


I was in the parking lot of a park I didn't want to do the meet up somewhere local cause then everyone gon see us and I don't got time for that shit

My passenger door opened revealing Ashely she was big as fuck I was shocked at hell

"Wassup?" She asked closing the door

"Wassgood," I said turning off my phone and sitting up

"What you wanted to meet up for?" She asked playing with her fingers

"About the baby, what else?" I mugged

"What about it?" She asked I looked at her like she was dumb

"Fuck you mean what about it? We got to find out if you trying to pin a baby on me"

"Listen Slime, I really don't care if you're in the baby's life or not I'm not about to keep repeating myself it's getting real tiring and we are adults I can handle and take care of mine with or without you" she vented but I was lowkey zoning out

"When is your due date?" I simply asked she sighed

"Next week Tuesday I'm having the baby," she said I nodded

"Alright I don't want to hear from you or see you again until that date when we do a blood test," I said she sucked her teeth

"Bye dead beat" she waved me off getting out of the car I rolled my eyes pulling off

I walked into the house hearing giggling and seeing Nadia playing with Zaria

"Wassup baby" I leaned down kissing her forehead

"Hey Nasar" she spoke dryly her smile turned into a frown

"Why you sound like that? And it's not no hey baby, babe, love, just Nasar" I vented she just ignored me picking up Azria and walking upstairs

"Babe" I called out watching her walk upstairs from the bottom of the steps she just kept ignoring me causing me to follow behind her

"Nadia" I walked into the twin's room

"Nasar what?" She mugged laying Azaria down

"Can we talk?" I asked she scoffed making sure the twins were comfortable

"We talked last night" she simply said walking out

"You talked Nadia, and I listened" I followed her into our bedroom

"Nasar I don't care about what you have to say" She waved me off sitting down on the bed to fold clothes

"And that's the problem, how are we going to fix us if you can't have a conversation with me ma" she sighed looking up at me with droopy sad eyes a few seconds after tears rolled down her face

"Nadia" I pulled her into a hug as she cried

"Talk to me ma, what's wrong?" I asked rubbing her back

"This is way too much for me Nasar... when I signed up to be your girlfriend I didn't expect this to come with it... you cheated on me Nasar and you keep expecting me to forgive you and act like it never happened"

"Well it did happen and you got the girl pregnant Nasar I can't just let that go... but I'm also not going to give up on something that we worked so hard on cause like we said 2 parent household" she spoke pulling away from me and went back to folding

"But Nadia-"

"Nasar not right now please" she dismissed me I sighed

" I love you," I said looking at her

"I love you too" She didn't make eye contact she just put her attention on folding

I walked out of the room I hated where we were at in our relationship and I felt like this shit was all my fault it just ain't make any sense to me I was confused

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