Night One: An Eventful Day

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As the night descended upon the landscape, the sky was a deep shade of black, dotted with countless shining stars.

The air was crisp and cool, with a light fog rolling around the hills and giant trees on the mountains, creating an ethereal atmosphere.

In the distance, Po and Fang could be seen sitting on a small boulder, away from the hustle and bustle of the training hall.

"Stop squirming, Po!" Fang exclaimed, with a hint of annoyance in her voice.

Despite that, she had a faint smile on her face as she used a small rag to scrub off the black scorch marks that covered Po's face, causing the panda to giggle with delight.

"No, Stop!!!" Po squealed through his laughter as he squirmed away from her cleaning before Fang's ear flickers in the direction behind her.

Causing the caracal to stop her arms and look behind her quickly before spotting a lantern's distant glow, "Fang? Wha-" Po asked, causing Fang to turn around quickly and shush Po before she quickly grabbed the panda's arm and pulled him behind a large boulder.

As 1 minute later the Five, Tigress, Crane, Monkey, Mantis, and Viper are seen walking up some stairs that were carved into a hill, as they were led by a palace goose that holds a orange lantern.

"There's no words." Mantis said as he stood on top of Monkey's shoulder before he leaped off of his shoulder

"No denying that." Crane commented with a shrug of his shoulders.  

"I don't understand what Master Oogway was thinking. The poor guy's just going to get himself killed!" Viper said as she slithered up behind Crane.

"They're so mighty! The Dragon Warriors... fell out of the sky in a ball of fire!" Crane said mockingly as he raised his wings in the air in fake awe as he walked before Mantis jumped ahead of the group and onto a small boulder where the group momentarily stopped.

"When he walks, the very ground shakes! And when she growls, the very mountains tremble!" Mantis said dramatically as he playfully bowed, causing everyone to laugh except for Tigress.

"One would think that Master Oogway would choose someone who actually knew kung fu; at least the caracal knows how to fight for a villager." Tigress hissed as she brushed past Monkey and Crane and walked ahead. Viper quickly caught up to her as the rest of their group followed behind.

"But she's only good if she has a weapon in hand. Besides that, nothing." Mantis said in a matter-of-fact tone toward the group as he jumped back up the steps.

"Yeah, at least one of the other warriors could touch their toes." Crane responded as he walked behind Mantis.

"Or even see his toes." Monkey commented cheekily as he gestured to his feet as he walked behind the group, causing the others to laugh as they walked more up the hill toward the Dorms.

Unbeknownst to them, two familiar animals heard everything.

A few minutes later, Fang emerged from behind a large boulder pissed, her ears pinned down to her head as she snarled quietly at the group that walked way ahead of them.

Po walked a bit slow behind his sister as he stared up at where the group walked up to, looking shocked and hurt.

Po attempts to look at his toes but just sees his large gut as he strains to hold up his stomach, causing Fang to snap out of her anger and turn her attention to her brother with sympathy.

"Po, no, no." Fang scolded quietly as she laid a paw on Pos's shoulder, too, which he silently ignored. As Po lifted up his stomach, he leaned forward... leans... leans... and fell over. "Ow" he cried. "God." Fang sighed as she looked down at her brother before leaning over, gripping his paw and heaved him back on his feet.

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