Ripest Fantasy

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What's in this? Shamelessly hot, steamy, blueberry inflation smut. That's what! Enjoy. ^_^

"What the fuck is THAT!?" A voice screams over a sloshing ocean.

"That?" A woman's voice asks whimsically. "Oh, that is a blueberry."

"No duh- but, that was a girl a moment ago!" Another voice shoots.

"Well," the Woman clears her throat. "She's more or less a human fruit, at least for now."

Am I still human?

Not that I feel like it, no, in fact I feel like a ten ton pressurized sphere of juice. The crushing weight of it pushes in on me from all directions, like a vice grip. Imagine, being a giant blueberry, wider than you are tall, and helpless to do anything but chew like a cow!

My fantasy has come full circle. Sure, it was embarrassing to have all those people stare; wide-eyed, slack jawed, while the gum suddenly went wrong. "It always goes wrong when it gets to the dessert... always..." Wonka sighed while my skin turned an impossibly vibrant shade of cobalt blue! Then the swelling started, and I expanded all over, turning from a normal girl in her 20s, into a helpless ball of juice. By the time my greedy brain thought of anything to do but chew, it was already too late.

Cool factory floor smushed up against my aching pussy when I tried to take a step back; and an unrestrained moan escaped my plump lips. I can feel the cold floor touch more and more of me as I sit there, while my body rounded out; a body that I could barely register as being all mine. With my hands and feet lost in deep divots, and my head slowly sinking into my body, I watched my world slowly become consumed by a creaking horizon of blueberry blue.

"Is she stuck like that?"

Gurgling groans from deep within me barely drowned out the crowd's murmurs...

"Serves her right, dumbass!"

"Good God, look at the size of her!"

"Is she gonna pop?"

"Gosh, look at that idiot, how can she still be chewing!?"

"She's huge!"

"What a freak..."

"How embarrassing!"

"What are we going to do?"

"Stick her with a pin!"

"She'll pop, what if she's contagious?"


"This is gonna get so many views..." SNAP!

Even if I couldn't see them, I could hear them, and feel them gathering around me. Their unwavering gaze, their derisive comments, their callous jeering... They talked about me like I was one of Wonka's strange creations. Like I wasn't me anymore, I was an object; an enormous, round, moaning, sloshy, wet sphere for everyone to see. My muffled moans were left unanswered, while the rising curve of my fruity body blocked everything but the ceiling from view. The blueberry pie was too good to resist, but is it worth all of this? Duh, why wouldn't it be! This is too hot... it's not like I wished I had listened to Wonka. It's not like my half hearted apologies and desperate pleas for help were for real. Even if it was, it's not like anyone would care! In a matter of moments I had transformed from annoying brat, into berrygirl.

"What are we going to do?" One of the guests asked, feigning concern.

"We need to roll her." Wonka explained with a sigh. "Unfortunately the juice is so malleable that we'll need to wait for her to ripen."

"I have an idea when she's ripe..." I could hear the smile in another guest's voice. "We could roll her to a county fair?" I could feel their hand on my bare stomach. The person below my vision caressed me before giving my stomach a playful slap. "She'd be the biggest fruit there!"

Blueberry Inflation Literature Collection: Volume II Where stories live. Discover now