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**Mature, Explicit, NSFW*

"What can I say, I'm an extreme individual.."

* angst, hurt/comfort, touch starved kylo, dubious consent


Meanwhile Kylo was still on duty, taking a break in his office. His meetings were painfully boring and long. He wasn't even supposed to be there in the first place. Which made every one of them more bitter.

Since leaving the Finalizer, his only desire was to get back home to you. Home.. For the first time in a very long time, Kylo was feeling a sense of belonging and going through his day was a challenge by itself. He was unable to keep you off his mind. The way you smelled, your skin, your lips, everything about you was intoxicating to him. You were all he could think about. He particularly liked the way you boss him around. Like he was not one of the most dangerous and feared man in the galaxy. He liked that you were not bending to him even when you were scared.

It has been two days since he last saw you and somehow it felt like a lifetime. His mind kept drifting to the last night you spent together. His cock slowly pushing inside of you, stretching you open with a tit in his mouth. Urgh, he sighed deeply in frustration. He could already feel himself twitch as he became harder under his desk. What he hated most in all this was that he couldn't talk to you.

I really need to fix that, he thought to himself before the com-link on his wrist beeped.

*" Incoming, Supreme Leader" *

"Listening trooper." he replies. Quickly brushing his lustful thoughts away.

*" Not sure if it's something worth mentioning but it's about the girl." *

A pinching sensation crawls into his chest knowing exactly who he was referring to, "what about her?"

*" Prisoner 226 is in medical. They are running tests on her." *

Kylo starts to panic imagining the worst, "what happened?"

*" Unconfirmed, she's been unconscious for the past twelve hours sir." *

"Twelve hours??" His voice laced with rage. Closing his eyes, he tries to collect himself. "Prepare my ship, now." he ordered.

*" Copy that." *

He puts on his helmet, rushing to the guard standing just outside his door. "Tell General Hux that I have an urgent matter. I don't want to be bothered for the next forty eight hours."

The soldier simply nodded in agreement as Kylo clenched his fist going for his vessel.

As he set the coordinates, his mind kept going back to you and the way your soft lips were saying his name. His real name. He hadn't heard it in years. He made sure to erase everything from his past and didn't want to be reminded of anything from it, but he knew he couldn't hide from you and truthfully, he didn't want to.

Kissing you goodbye was difficult enough. Not only because he wished he had more time with you, but he also felt bad every time he left. As if he was leaving something important behind and didn't want to let go.


Arriving to the Finalizer, he landed quickly, rushing to the medical wing. He completely ignores the soldiers and the officers who were patrolling around. His heart hammered in his chest while he ran through the ship's corridors. Finally, he reached the ship's clinic but started to panic when he saw no one else around. That was until he heard a voice coming from behind.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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