Chapter 2

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Olivia was led to a back room by the worker and she began sizing her body like a real seamstress. Meet Veronica, a close friend of Olivia's, even though she was 20 years older than the girl. She was married and had no children. She knew how to fight. All Wing Warriors were required to learn to fight unless they were disabled, or had disorders. Of course, you didn't get bad treatment as you often heard in countries that did. The king was someone with a big heart, and he didn't send child soldiers to battle. He wants them to be able to grow up safely. When they are 18 or older, then they can fight.

Veronica was busy sizing Olivia's body such as her hips and others. Olivia was off in her thoughts as she wondered how, where, and when the war began between the Regular and Dark Wing Warriors. Why? Peace was more important than that.

Veronica, writing the final details, looked up from her paper and noticed how Olivia was dreaming. She looked somewhat worriedly at the girl and woke her up. Olivia was almost startled hard and looked at Veronica, who was looking at her somewhat worriedly. "Is something wrong?" Olivia asked the woman.

"You're lost in your thoughts," Veronica began. "What is it?"

Olivia let out a sigh through her nose because she didn't know how to tell. But she decided to tell the older woman what was bothering her. "Veronica, how did the war start?" She looked at her.

Veronica put down the things she was holding and made room on the table so she could sit on it. She looked at Olivia and saw that the girl kept standing and she chuckled. "I have all the details. Have a seat."

Olivia quickly did as she said and sat down. She was curious about what the story was of the Wing Warriors. Time for some history!

"The Wing Warriors came into existence for already long years. Longer than you think. For all those years, there was peace between the ordinary and Dark Wing Warriors. They lived together in this territory they had created to hide from the normal people after many dangers threatened the Wing Warriors such as kidnappings and experiments. Thanks to this territory, the Wing Warriors were safe. The brothers, one normal and the other a Dark Wing Warrior had a good family relationship but unfortunately, that did not last long. The youngest, who was a Dark Wing Warrior, had a lot of jealousy against his older brother, who had white Wings. He was the hero and had a big heart for every Wing Warrior in the area. But not everyone loved him. After the younger brother tried to kill him, that was when everything changed. All the Dark Wing Warriors were exiled along with the younger brother and so a war broke out between them. The eldest became the king of ordinary Wing Warriors while the youngest became a hungry king of the Dark Wing Warriors. The youngest was hungry for power and revenge. Even though the brothers are dead, today the war is still going on. King David does want peace but the other king has the same lust, for revenge and power. That one doesn't want peace until he gets what he wants."

After Veronica finished speaking, she looked intently at Olivia for a reaction and the girl with wings did have questions. She was in shock, sad and angry. Those were mixed up inside. Her emotions. So the younger brother wanted to kill the elder, and after the Dark Wing Warriors were banished, war broke out. Olivia looked down. She didn't know what to answer. She wanted to say something, too, but she was lost in her thoughts. Fortunately, Veronica came to the rescue. "Olivia, you are our hope to stop this war by killing or capturing that hungry king. Do you understand what I mean?"

Olivia saw that she looked serious but also with hope. She wasn't going to lie, she was scared but also angry. Why was the king of Dark Wing Warriors like this? Probably he got it from the other kings over the years. Was there seriously no Dark Wing Warrior king who was like King David? He wanted peace but he had no choice when the Dark Wing Warriors attacked continuously. She then looked bravely at Veronica and nodded. "I understand you. I will do my best to bring back peace. Should I die, I'll be sure to choose someone in time to succeed me."

Veronica moved away from the table and moved toward Olivia. The little girl observed her and felt a hand on her shoulder. Olivia was in shock and surprised when Veronica began to cry. Her tears rolled down her cheeks.

"You are an important Wing Warrior. Even though your parents and Cindy are no longer alive, they look out for you from above. I see you as my daughter. Be careful when you go on missions. Promise me that."

Olivia gave her a small smile and said, "I promise."

Veronica looked somewhat relieved. She placed a kiss on Olivia's forehead before helping her stand and smiled at her. "You're ready. I have all the information I need to make your dress. Just come back here in 3 days. Okay?"

Olivia nodded with a small smile before disappearing from the store. After she appeared from the store, she carefully closed the door and went home where she lived with Snow. All day she read some different books she had bought from the small bookstore that was near Veronica's clothing store. She decided, while waiting for her dress, that tomorrow she would go to King David to ask him a few questions about the history of the Wing Warriors. For now, she decided to think about what she wanted to ask more of the king. But as she read, something popped into her head. Even though she had never met the other hungry king, was their home in danger if the king betrayed them by telling the normal people where they lived?

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08 ⏰

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