Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

She leaned back against the rock humming a tune, her gaze wandering to the water's surface.

I looked at her feeling an overwhelming sense of happiness

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I looked at her feeling an overwhelming sense of happiness. Two years have passed since I discovered this cave. In that time, I have returned twice more, each visit not merely to satisfy the urge but to seek solace. 

I come here when it is absolutely necessary and not just to satisfy my desires. I come here to seek calm and not just when I feel bored. For Serena embodies my strength, and never a reason for my lack of motivation.

Knowing the dangers of losing myself and becoming too immersed in this illusion, I made a pact with myself. Whenever I felt the temptation to quit, to not do this anymore, I will come here to seek the answers. Answers to why I am doing this. Answers to even after everything, why I haven't given up yet.  Answers to my fiery eyes from which the fire never extinguishes even in the hardest of all adversities. Answers to my burning heart.  And answers to all those unsaid questions of my mind.

This cave is my sanctuary, a place to confront my doubts and reaffirm my purpose. And as I gazed at Serena, I found clarity amidst the illusion.

I am happy. Just happy.

I smiled.

"You know, Serena, being here with you like this, even if it's just an illusion, it feels... comforting." I said looking at her.

She nodded her head understanding the sentiment.

"Yeah, it does. Though I am not real and will speak and act like you want me to, it does feel like a piece of home in the midst of chaos, right?" She smiled and asked softly.

I chuckled realising what she said was absolutely true. She is just my imagination after all. She will speak whatever I want.

"Speaking of chaos, how's your training going on Ash? Are you making progress?"

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. We were at the Cave right now. And I was sitting beside Serena with my legs dipped in water.

"It's tough, Serena. Really tough. But I'm pushing through. Every day, I remind myself why I'm doing this."

Serena reached out, her hand hovering in the air before gently resting on my shoulder. "You're doing it for your loved ones, for the whole world. And for us." She whispered.

I placed my hand over hers, but it went right through and I was clutching my own shoulder.

Hologram. Just a hologram. I need to keep reminding myself of this.

"Yeah, for us mostly. I want to make you proud, Serena. I want to be the kind of man you deserve."

Her eyes softened, a fondness flickering within them.

"You already are, Ash. You always have been."

A comfortable silence settled between us, the sound of the water lapping against the rocks soothing in its familiarity. Though what she said now aren't real Serena's words and it is just what I want my imagination to say, but still my heart just warmed.

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