Chapter Sixteen: Light Ride

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A few days later, it was time to prepare the stables for another morning. Carts of hay and molasses were rolled out in the aisles. Riders and their horses rode out to the paddock and the woods. Some parents have came to drop off their children. A few wet autumn leaves blew through the open stable doors.
Erika placed hay and fresh, cold water into Nemain's buckets. Erika currycombed Nemain, cleaned out her hooves, and combed her tangled mane and tail."You're so beautiful, Nemain." Erika gently petted Nemain's sleek muzzle and kissed her horse's muzzle. Nemain snorted and looked at her with her bright, soulful eyes. Her ears were tilted forward in curiosity and her head cocked to the side. "And clever, too." Erika laughed softly.
She walked out of Nemain's stall to get the riding tack and gotten a bucket of soapy water with some cleaning brushes. Erika gotten to work as she started cleaning Nemain's riding equipment before they head out on their next adventure when she heard voices inside of the stables too. Once she was done, she quietly found Anne (who has unique pink markings on her left side of her face) and Lisa (who was brushing Starshine's white coat).
"—I can't wait for the Light Ride," Anne was saying to Lisa.
"Me too!" Lisa beamed at her best friend, her excitement seemed to be contagious and made Erika crack a small smile. "It's going to be a Soul Riders Reunion."
"Soul Riders?" The two girls gasped in surprise and spun around to see a curious Erika walking out of the shadows. "From the legends? What's a Light Ride?"
After they recover from their shock, Lisa smiled at Erika. "The Light Ride happens every year. Riders and their horses go to Goldenhills Valley to do a trail ride that honors Aideen's great sacrifice that brought forth life and light on Jorvik."
"That sounds fun." Erika smiled at Nemain, who nickered to her. "So, what do you say, girl? Wanna go out for a trail ride?" Nemain let a loud neigh, making Erika smile at her mare.
This Saturday, the whole stable was giddy with anticipation. Boys and girls raced up and down the aisles with saddles, blankets, camping supplies, and heavy saddlebags. Many were dressed in riding clothes. Erika spotted several velvet cloaks and even a Jorvegian folk costume in the island's colors of green, blue, yellow, and white. One of the riding instructors was helping a ten year old girl fasten a saddlebag onto her pony.
Once Erika have arrived to Goldenleaf Stables, she listened to Herman's words about Aideen and her steed's great sacrifice for the island. Erika saw the Bobcat Girls, the Bulldogz Club, the Flying Foxes, the Soul Riders, the Jorvik Rangers, and so forth listening to Herman.
Erika sighed softly as they set off as soon as the sun had begun to set towards the tree line behind the stables. Folk music of Jorvik could be heard coming from somewhere, and a crowd of onlookers had gathered to see the riders off. A small boy handed Erika a bouquet of clovers, Erika accepted it and thanked the child.
The Light Ride covered many miles so they mostly walked to conserve their horses' energy. Erika rode alone with only Nemain for company. But those options have suddenly changed when she was joined by a handsome young man on a strong chestnut Shire stallion. His name is Callum Walker while his horse's name is Firefox. In the distance, they both spotted a vast vineyard and a beautiful, gray stone manor.
The farther they rode, the more Erika felt it like she was traveling out of time, away from the modern world to a mystical place where anything was possible. She rode toward the western part of the Northern Mountain Range, just beyond the large Silverglade Manor. From the summit, there was a view of Everwind Fields and a glimpse of the lights from Silverglade Village beyond it. On the clear night, Erika could see the lights in the castle windows. Though, she prefer the moon and the stars guiding her way towards the campsite. The castle served as a kind of beacon for the riders traveling through the rural southwest corner of Jorvik.
Erika looked around, eyeing the black patch known as the Cauldron Swamp curiously. She remembered hearing something about a friendly witch living in the swamp. She was dazzled by the sparkling colors of the red, orange, and yellow forest.
Nemain turned her head to look at Erika, she looked at Nemain with a small smile. Nemain's ears were pricked as she nimbly trotted up the hill. Nemain gave her an encouraging nod and Erika felt herself smiling back at her mare.

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