6. The effects of a full moon

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"..is your hand okay?" Kieran questioned, glancing down at Joey, who nodded, "Yeah. It's healing."

"My nose isn't!" Derek angrily shouted from where was standing, blood leaking down from his broken nose, given by Joey.

"I didn't even punch you that hard." Joey replied, stretching her fingers and shaking her hand around a bit.

"You haven't learned how to control your strength yet. One meek little punch can break someone's nose now." Derek grumbled as his nose slowly healed.

"You haven't taught me anything that I can use to control it, or better yet, you haven't taught me anything! You just fighting me, " Joey told him,

"I don't need to know how to fight, I already do."

Derek sighed, "you know how to fight as a hunter, not as a werewolf with super strength."

"Uh, I don't even know to fight." Kieran piped up, and Joey raised an eyebrow at Derek, her hands on her hips.

"You didn't even teach your brother to fight. How do you expect to show me how to fight if you didn't show him?" She asked,

"She's makes a valid point, Derek." Kieran told him, and Derek gave him a look.

"I'm shutting up now." He muttered to himself.

Joey glanced up at the sky, seeing the sun rising, and she sighed. She spent the whole night with Derek and Kieran.

She didn't mind spending time with Kieran, but she just wanted to punch Derek and break his nose all over again.

"Tonight's a full moon. You'll be feeling the effects of the moon all day." Derek told Joey, walking over to her , stopping in front of her.

"Is that why I have a strong urge to punch you in the face again?" Joey asked, and Derek took a step back,

Kieran laughed, and he coughed as Derek looked at him.

"Meet me at the Hale house tonight, and try to convince that friend of yours to come with." With that, Derek walked away, leaving the two teens behind.

"Don't worry, you'll get used to it," Kieran told her, "I'll walk you home."

"I'll go with you instead, I kinda texted my mom that I was staying at a friend's and that they'll take me to school." Joey told him, and Kieran nodded, a nervous smile on his face.

It would be the first time he's taking a girl to his house. What could possibly go wrong?


"...do I even want to ask?" Noah stilinski questioned as he stared down at his son and a teen girl he hadn't seen before.

They were on the ground, the teen girl on top of Kieran , objects surrounding the both of them.

Joey quickly stood up, letting out a nervous laugh, helping Kieran up.

"It's not what it looks like." She quickly said, clearing any thoughts Noah had.

"I tripped, and she tried to help me, and we both ended up...on the floor." Kieran explained, fixing his shirt,

Noah glanced between two teens, "Right, sheriff Noah stilinski." He introduced himself.

"Joey Argent." Joey shook his hand, and Noah smiled,


"Pancakes?" Kieran asked in a hopeful voice, pleading eyes, and Noah nodded, "Sure."

"Chocolate!" Stiles announced, coming down the stairs, pausing by the end of the stairs as he saw Joey, and he grinned at her.

"Joey, what a surprise! Kie finally brought a girl home." Stiles teased, and Kieran rolled his eyes at him,

"Shut it."

"Have you ever brought a girl home stiles?" Joey questioned, and Stiles scoffed, laughing before frowning,

"No, never."

Joey and Kieran shared a look, laughing to themselves.

"Okay, okay, laugh it up, laugh it up."


As Derek said, Joey was feeling the effects of the full moon, and so was Scott.

The whole day, she wanted to snap Jackson's neck or just claw out his eyes or maybe rip out his heart.

She was not about to hold back during lacrosse practice. She was body slamming into him like her life depended on it.

"..that's my girl! Why can't you boys be like joey!?" Coach yelled, shaking his head, "pathetic!"

Joey grinned at Jackson, who was on the ground in pain, "heard that? Why can't you be like me."

Jackson glared at her, and he stood up, and Stiles rushed over, laughing.

"She's on her time on month, don't mind her." Stiles told Jackson, pushing Joey away from him.

"What?" Jackson muttered under his breath, scoffing.

"I am not on my time of month, and I want to squeeze that little weasels neck until it breaks." Joey said, making the gesture.

"Vivid imagine, listen, as much I want to see that, you need to control yourself, I already had Scott kiss Lydia earlier, I don't need you killing Jackson right now."Stiles told her,

"He did what!? Why would he do? Does he know Kieran likes Lydia? Where is he?I'm beat his ass." Joey cracked her knuckles,

"Oh, Scott? He's over there." Stiles pointed to Scott, who by Danny.

Stiles smirked as Joey walked away from him and towards Scott,

"Why is Joey stomping over to Scott?" Isaac questioned, coming to stand beside Stiles with Boyd.

"Just watch, boys." Stiles told them, with a grin on his face.

"Hey, Scott." Joey called out, and Scott turned to face her,

"Oh, hey joe -" Scott was cut off by a punch to the face, a crack was heard, and Danny winced in sympathy,

"What did he do?" He asked, staring at Scott, who was holding his nose in pain.

"Kiss Lydia." Joey replied, and Danny nodded,


Scott glared at Joey, feeling a growl forming in his chest, but Joey stood her ground,

"You deserve that punch for kissing Lydia." Stiles commented with a laugh,

"She kissed me!" Scott defended himself,

"You kissed her back!" Stiles argued ,

"That was one heck of a punch." Boyd told Joey, and Isaac nodded in agreement,

"Yeah, I don't want to get on your bad side." Isaac gently grabbed Joey's hand in his,

"With how hard that punch was, it'll probably leave a bruise." Isaac quietly said, his thumb brushing over her knuckles.

Joey glanced at Scott before she looked at Isaac,

"Worth it."


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