Third fight,first win//nine//

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june 30 1985-The Russian soldiers stepped into the elevator, not realizing that the Scoops Troop was hiding right above them. The group held their breath, trying not to make a sound as they watched the soldiers begin to unload the boxes that had been stashed inside. As the soldiers grunted and strained under the weight of the boxes, they had no idea that the Scoops Troop was right above them, waiting for their chance to escape.Just as The Russians are about to leave Gwen Takes the Bottle of liquid out of ericas bag and tosses it to steve.Right as the russian leave the door about to shut steve slides the bottle under it to stop it from closing fully,gwen lets erica go first then tosses her bag under,then dustin rolls under robin following.steve going under the bottle about to crack... steve Quickly drags gwen under,BAM!! the door shuts right on gwens ring finger...

"OH MY GOD OH MY GOD"yelled dustin,"HOLY SHIT HOLYYYY SHIT"robin said."OH MY GODD STEVEEE"screamed gwen in pain,right as steve was trying to calm her down he pulls her a Little to hard...her finger tips cut off."OH MY GODDDDD THIS SHIT IS BANANAS!!" yelled gwen.a few minutes later robin wrapped gwens finger with her shoe lace and they walking down the endless hallway.Steve Says "This is gonna take forever, we're making practically no progress". Dustin Replies with "Looking at the measurements, it shouldn't take too long","your all ao nerdy it makes me sick." added erica."Hey, I'm not a nerd!"Exclaimed steve, Robin says sarcasticlly "why do sensitive Harrington , are you scared of losing cool points to a child?"Gwen laughed at the exchange, enjoying the arugment between her group,wondering if anyones looking for them.

Steve rolled his eyes in annoyance "no im just saying I don't know jack shit about Prometheus." Dustin who was known for being a know it all corrected Steve "Promethium.Promethium is a creek mythological figure,but whatever all I'm saying is it's probably being used to make something" "or power something?" Gwen questioned not understanding a danm thing he just said."like a nuclear weapon."    

Of course sarcasm Steven  came in "Oh so we're walking towards a nuclear weapons that's great to know"

There's a lot of dialogue in this scene so we're gonna ignore that

After what felt like an eternity of crawling through the tunnel , the Scoops Troop finally reached their destination. After being stuck in an elevator,finger cut off and sneaking through guards.

As they peered through the grating, they could see a Russian guard standing nearby, and a large machine towering above. It was the gate to the upside down world, and they had found what they had been looking for.... The stakes were high, and the tension in the air was palpable as they prepared to make their next move,they walk into the room and immediately the russian guard turns around.As the russian guard lifts up his gun.."нет, мы здесь не для того, чтобы навредить тебе!*yelled robin,the guard ignored her and lifted his gun up.steve screamed and charged at the guard,gwen putting her arm infront of erica.mid fight while steves getting up the guard screams into a phone but before he can finish steve knocks him out.

"U DID IT STEVE,YOU WON A FIGHT" dustin yells,"WOOHOO BIG BAD STEVE" exclaimed gwen.

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