I can't lose her!

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Zayn's POV

"Zaaaaaaaayn, pleeeeease!!!"

"No Niall, I am not coming with you to buy Lou some more carrots. We have been in this situation way to many times and I am not getting roped into it!"

"But he will KILL me if he finds out!"

"Well you shouldn't of ate them!"

"But I was hungry!"

"I don't care!"

*2 hours later*

"Please, please, please, please, pleeeeeease!"

"Ugh! Fine Niall!"

"Yay!" I get up from the sofa and grab my snapback and sunglasses from my room. Niall owes me big time!

"You finally gave in huh?" I hear behind me.

"Yeah, but I don't see why I should go!"

"Cause you are the only free one! Lou and El are out and Liam and I are staying in cause I have to leave in 2 days and we want as much time together as possible. Have you sent the video to Perrie?"

"Yes!" Dani is just like my mum! Her and Liam are flippin' made for eachother! I grab my keys and I follow Niall out the door. I close the door behind me and the turn round, only to find myself slamming into the back of Niall.

"Niall! Why did you stop!" I ask.

"Look..." he says pointing to a girl in the middle of the road. "... isn't that Perrie?" I look to where he is pointing and sure enough, Perrie is stood in the middle of the road. Why is she just standing there?

"Zayn! A car is coming!" I hear Niall shout. We both look at eachother before screaming to Perrie to get out the road, but she just stands there. The car comes and full speed and she flips up over the bonnet and smashes through the windscreen. The driver just pushes her off and then drives off. Bastard!

I run to Perrie and I hear Niall cursing at the car.  I feel my tears fall from my face as I looked at the limp body infront of me. This can't happen. I can't lose the one I love.


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