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I woke up to a commotion upstairs. I changed into jeans, threw on a T-shirt, and left the small basement, I claimed as my own. Heading up the stairs I saw Fiona scrambling to get everyone down in time.

"Luke electric," Fiona said, pointing to the box on the table.

"Sorry Fi, I ain't got any money"

"I thought you got paid a few days ago"

"Not till the end of the week" I shrugged.

"Fine, I'm filling in for Candi, I can cover the rest" Fiona sat down with Liam who refused to eat.

"OH extra kraut on mine"

"Cheese on mine" Lip and Ian mention.

"Fine, but someone needs to take Liam"

After everyone had given their excuse and left, Fiona finally turned to me.

"I have to go to work. Ya know, to get that money" I say before leaving

˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗

"Yo Macy what up?" I shouted over to my manager.

"You're 3 minutes early" She mentioned angrily.

"Ain't that a good thing?"

"You're supposed to be ten minutes early"

"Well now I'll work twice as fast"

"Finish cleaning these tables," She says, throwing the rag she held at me.

I saluted to her before heading to the back of the building where the staff lockers were located. I changed into my black uniform and tied a small apron around my waist. Then, I walked back out to the seating area. The booths were a nice maroon color, while the walls were white. It was a pleasant environment, but it was designed to attract wealthy customers to spend their money. The place was called "Bella's Diner," and I believe Macy's great-grandmother owned it.

I flip the closed sign to show the open side. After the first 20 minutes of being open two girls who show up every day at the same time and always sit in my section, opened the door and walked to the same booth as always.

"Ladies, have you decided on your order or would you like some more time?" I ask, taking out my notepad.

"I'm not sure, what do you suggest?" Asked the redheaded one.

"Uh- the apple pies is the fan favorite"

"Well then, I guess we'll take two slices of apple pie and maybe your phone number as a side"

"Two apple slices comin' up" I smirked walking away.

After half an hour of these girls being here, they finally left. When I went to grab the check they had left, I saw one of their numbers on it. I smiled to myself as I quickly shoved it into my pocket.

˗ˏˋ ★ ˎˊ˗

Two hours after finishing my shift, I found myself standing outside the front door of the house. I could hear the sounds of cheers and laughter coming from inside, and I knew it was going to be a long night. I was still feeling tired after meeting up with a girl who left her number earlier.

I entered the house to see my family, Kevin and V, sitting in the living room, with some random dude.

"Luke, hey, this is Steve," Fiona said, pointing to the man.

Steved extended his hand and greeted me with a friendly "Hey, how's it going man?"

"Where's Sloan? She said she had stuff for me," I asked V.

"She's at her boyfriends" Fiona and Veronica oohed. "I'll have her call you tomorrow"

"Okay, as I was saying, a Monte Carlo," Kevin interrupted.

Fiona ushered the kids up the stairs for bed. When I started heading for the basement, Fiona called out for me, asking if I wanted to have a drink or two, I declined before heading downstairs

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