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Are you sad?

Don't look around, I am talking to you.

Having a bad day?

Here, read Harry Potter.

Rings a bell?

That book, the one that brings so many memories.

Take it out,

Wether you haven't seen it since long,

Or you open it everyday.

Grab some hot chocolate, tea, coffee, whatever,

Or maybe some butterbeer,

'cause why not just be ourselfs for once and stop caring about the world?

Curl up in your bed, and read.

Go through all that again.

Remember the pages where you cried over Fred's or Sirius' death,

Where the pages had soaked your dried up tears.

Remember the pages where you have shouted of glee,

Or rolled on the bed laughing on the twin's joke.

Remember the pages which you had marked as your favourites,

Remember the first kiss of Harry and how he described it: "Wet"

Remember the sassy horcrux and the pains he had gone through.

Remember that part when Dudley got a pig's tail or the legendary, "It's LeviOsa, not LevioSAR!"

And that singing valentine or Hermione the Cat?

Aunt Marge the balloon or the punch on the pale blondie?

The letter full of stamps or Draco Malfoy the Ferret?

The sassy Minnie roasting the pink toad or the DA?

Harry simping over Ginny and the Bludger injuries?

Better than Firewhisky and escaping on a Dragon?

All was well and why in the world did you kept your son's name Albus Severus?

Read Harry Potter or maybe the fan fictions, does the scarhead, four eyes, black board haired boy ever disappoint you?

Because he never fails to...

Why read his story?

Because he had made us happy, and forget our tension.

Go through the seven books,

Remember the memories,

Know that they are always there for you.


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