
It's official now. I've lost her. I called my mother, knowing she was the only one who could possibly help me or understand right now.

"Honey. I'm so glad you called. Did you talk to Gracie?"
I couldn't stop my tears long enough to speak.
" I lost her. I failed. I failed as a husband. She's gone. I signed the papers."
" Deep breaths, Zade. What happened? What do you mean you signed the papers? "
" She...she doesn't love me anymore, Mom. She hadn't spoken to me in a month and she couldn't take it anymore. I- I had to sign it. She was so sad with me, Mom. I didn't notice it. The last three years have been hell for her but I never noticed. I was never there to notice. I did it to make her happy. I had to."
" Zade... Sweetheart, she means everything to you. Even if you didn't show it...I know you loved her. Honey, do you want me to talk to her again?"
" Again? What do you mean again? Did you speak to her? What did she say?"
" Calm down, honey. She isn't going back on this decision. She told me she tried telling you so many times. I...I never imagined you two would be going through so much, you seemed so happy when you came over for Christmas."
" That was before things had gotten truly bad, Mom. I- I wasn't there for her."
" I know but you need to show to her that you've changed. Show her you'll be there. Support her."
" Okay."
I didn't know what else to say. I didn't know if Gracie would ever let me come near her again.

I checked my phone to see over a hundred notifications due to posts I had been tagged in. What the fuck?

"America's biggest power couple is officially over. Rumors are... Zade was blindsided by the sudden divorce. There have been no confirmations as to why the divorce has taken place or when or if it's even completed but what we do know is that the marriage is definitely over. " An article said.

Another article, " Rumors are...Gracie is currently showing interest in fellow billionaire and competitor, Logan Pearson, CEO of Pearson Industries. They had been spotted with their arms cozily wrapped around each other at a charity gala last month. Will they reunite at the success party of Specter Industries's brand-new space division? Only time will tell."

Logan. That pathetic little whore. Asking him to stay the fuck away from my wife didn't work. Whereas... Punching him is not such a bad idea.
I might have to make a small appearance at her success party. I hadn't been invited but I don't blame her. I didn't attend her announcement party so why would I be there to celebrate her success?
I got ready, wearing one of my black suits (Gracie's favorite.) and keeping her ring in my jacket pocket, close to my heart.

I reached the venue to see Logan fucking Pearson with his disgusting arm on my wife's waist. She laughed at something he said and my blood boiled with jealousy and hatred. I glared at them for five minutes until he walked over to the bar for some drinks. Should I talk to him or her? Once I talk to him, I won't need to worry about talking to her. She'll be alone. I'm sure of it.
I walked over to Logan and stood next to his short frame.
"Good evening, Pearson." My voice was calm and cold.
"Oh... Crawford. It's a pleasure."
"I wish I could say the same. Tell me... do you not remember the last conversation we had? Has it slipped your mind? Need I remind you?"
" She asked me to be here tonight, man. I can't help but say no to a one-night stand. "
Rage filled my veins as I looked at his disgusting eyes.
"Stay the fuck away from my wife."
"Didn't you get a divorce?"
I punched his nose and as he groaned in pain, I leaned down to whisper in his ear,
"It doesn't matter if we're divorced, Pearson. She's mine and she will always remain so. That's my wife. "
I walked away with two drinks in my hand, a gin and tonic for Gracie and a whiskey for me. I handed it to her and she smiled before noticing it was me. Her nostrils flared and she glared at me,
"What the fuck are you doing here? Where's my date?"
"I am here to support my wife. And your date is gone. I sent him home. It's nice that you want to entertain yourself with other people, Gracie but you can never replace me. "
" Replace what? The love I didn't get from you? The compliments I had to beg to receive? The time I had to constantly ask for? You're easy to replace, Zade. "

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