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Ariella Medows is an apsiring Fashion Designer and an heir from the Medows Family, who gain their wealth from being the Second Largest Perfume Empire over the last 50 years. Ariella graduated from Oxford University with a Degree in Fashion Design and Criminal Law. 

Her father, Cameron Medows and Grandfather, Elder Mo were not fond with the idea of that their heir studied Fashion Design as they were in the Perfume Industry thus they turned a blind eye to the benefits of a degree in that area. This secretly upset Ariella as she told then she wanted to pursue a career in the Fashion Industry or she could expand their company.  She would draw sketches all night and would sell them to top Fashion Houses in the country under the pseudonym Ariel Morgan but nothing happened.

She would get emails saying;
" This style of design is outrageous it would scare our loyal customers away" or " Do you take us for a joke" sometimes not even a single response.
But she was smart enough the put a stamp of her signature on each design when she would sell it.

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Ariella Medows

" I thought fashion was all about taking risks," I muttered to myself after opening the seventh email of rejection today.
" I guess dad and grandfather were right ," I sighed closing my laptop.

I went to the bathroom to have a hot shower as well as my morning routine.  I exited the bathroom to put on one of the dresses I designed that was made by the family tailor.

It was a long white silk gown with a medium length slit  paired with gold accessories. A gold necklace,  gold Jimmy Choo's, gold earrings whereas my long black hair was done in a low slick back ponytail and a gold Chinese hair piece was added.

AfterI got ready, I looked in the mirror pleased with what I had done and made my way down the stairs into the dinning room where my father, grandfather,  younger brother Alexander,younger sister Samantha and my grandmother Ester were seated patiently for me to join.

"Good morning, everyone," I greeted politely placing a kiss on my grandmother and grandfather's cheek. 

I took a seat between Alex and Sam.

" Good Morning, Darling, " Grammy replied. 

The servers came with our breakfast. I whispered a thank you towards them and we dove into the feast before us.

Five minutes later

Alex excused himself from the table saying he had to visit one of the storage facilities  Then one after another the others left leaving only myself and my grandmother.

"Darling, you are getting older," she spoke.

"I'm only 25, Grammy," I replied .

" So... no boyfriend? " she  questioned .

"Nope," I replied popping the P.

"Find someone, " she spoke.

"I will, I just don't know how to, " I replied helping her out of her chair.

" I know it's hard for you but do so before your grandfather does," she added walking up the stairs towards her room.

"Grandfather wouldn't do something like that would he?" She thought to herself.

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