Favorite Cafe

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Ivy's P.O.V

It's freezing cold here in Seattle on this cloudy December day.

I feel my fingers begin to tingle as I enter a warm cafe I've never been to.

Finally starting to get feeling back in them I smile at the guy in front of me in line as he turns around to see who let the cold air in again.

As I wait in line I hear someone come in behind me and soon smell a beautiful perfume.

As much as I want to turn around and see who claims this beautiful scent, I talk myself out of it Because it would be weird to turn around and stare.

While I wait let me tell you a bit about myself.

My name is Ivy, I'm 23, I'm single as of 3 months ago, aaaand I'm Bi... but I've never been with a woman.

I'm 5'4, I have long black hair that reaches my waist, freckles on my nose, blue eyes, and I'm covered in tattoos.

Once it's finally my turn I order my hot chocolate and find the last seat available in the crowded cafe.

Once I'm finally seated I look at the line in hopes of seeing who smelled so good.

But I was let down as all I saw was a line of construction workers... I doubt they smelled of heaven.

The barista calls my name and I grab my hot chocolate rushing back to my seat afraid someone would take it.

I pull out my kindle and start reading my book as I carefully sip my hot chocolate, careful not to burn my tongue.

Just as I begin to read I see a beautiful woman walking around in search of a seat.

As she approaches me I set my kindle down and speak up despite the nerves

"You can sit here, I was just leaving." I lied

She quickly turns her head to me and immediately smiles the most breath taking smile I've ever seen.

Good GOD she's beautiful

'Are you sure darling?"

I smile

"Yeah maybe like 5 min I'll be out of ur hair, just have to finish my drink."

Surprisingly she sits down right across from me and sets down her coffee an inch from mine.

I tear myself out of staring at her and speak up again

"I'm Ivy, you?"

The beautiful woman gives me a strange look then a small smile appears on her perfect lips

"I'm Cate, it's nice to meet you Ivy."

"Likewise Kate. How has ur day been?"

I ask a basic question to keep the conversation going because I think I'll die if me and this beautiful woman had an awkward silence.

"It's been okay, definitely just got much better."

I let out a small laugh/sigh of relief and she begins to speak

"And what brings you to my favorite cafe today?"

"I was just on my way home freezing to death and remembered I've been wanting to try it because I pass it everyday."

As the conversation flows we talk and talk... definitely past my 5 min I promised to leave her alone.

But every minute that passes I'm just more interested by Cate.

She's got the most perfect smile I've ever seen, and she wears it quite often I noticed

She has a beautiful laugh that makes me forget where I am

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