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Ivy's P.O.V

It's been 3 days since I last saw Catherine.

We started texting once she got home from our dinner and haven't stopped since.

She's been working literally everyday, but won't tell me what she does.

She said that's a conversation she wants to have in person.

Whatever that means?

I don't know, but I think about it like 15 times a day.

I set my laptop next to me on the couch and pull out my phone to text Cate

I: "Hey, would you like to come round tomorrow?"

As soon as I set my phone back down she texts me back

C: "Oh I would love too, but I work until 6 babe."

I: "Why don't I make you dinner then?"

C: "As long as it's not too much trouble... that would be divine."

I: "Dinner it is, what would you like madam?"

C: "Spaghetti sounds good!!"

I: "Then spaghetti you shall have."

C: "You are so sweet, I can't wait!"

I set my phone down and check my pantry and fridge

Perfect. We have everything I need already.

"Okay baby... I'm going to miss you."

I look up and see Brandon with his suitcases standing wide armed waiting for a hug

I laugh and hug him as I say

"I'm going to miss you too, but ur going to have so much fun!"

As we separate from the hug he laughs

"HA! Yes spending time with my family is going to be so much fun!"

I roll my eyes and take a sip of my water

"You know it's going to be fun. Tell everyone I miss them and I'll see them the next Christmas when they come down."

He smiles and checks his phone

"Shit my Uber is here! I love you, be safe, pls just stay home, I love you, I miss you already, and I love you!!!"

He says as he heads out the door

I lock the door behind him and plop back on the couch looking at my laptop

I groan as I pick it back up and begin working again

Cate's P.O.V:


I smile and say bye to everyone as I pass them on my way to my dressing room

Closing the door I immediately take off my uncomfortable costume and slip into sweats and a hoodie

I check the time on my phone


Just as I set it down it starts to ring

I answer it as soon as I see the contact name "Sarah Bear <3"

"Hello!" I say as I sit down on the couch

"Hey you! You never called me about ur dinner so I thought I'd call you again!"

I laugh

"Sorry Sarah, just got sidetracked."

"It's okay loser, now spill! How was it? Tell me everything!"

"It was actually amazing. She's so sweet, and kind, and she listens so well, but can carry a conversation, she's so polite, and funny, every time I'm with her time FLIES by, she makes me laugh like I haven't in ages, and Sarah she's so damn beautiful."

"Ohhhhh" she says down the phone

"And what is this perfect woman's name?"

I smile and reply


"She sounds amazing, will you be hanging out with her again before going back home for Christmas?"

My stomach turns at the thought of having to tell her I'm leaving


"What? Oh sorry Sarah, yes actually I'm seeing her tomorrow night. She's making me dinner after set!"

"Oh good! Well I'm so happy you've made a really good new friend! I hope I get to meet her one day!"

I smile at the thought of her being in my life for a long time and reply

"Me too. Listen I have to go, I need to get to my hotel and go to BED."

"Of course, call me after ur daaaate!"

I laugh and feel my cheeks flush

"Hush, I will."

After hanging up I grab my bag and head to the car driving me back to my hotel

After showering and taking uff all my makeup I'm finally laid in bed

And for some reason I can't stop thinking about Ivy

I pull out my phone and go to our text conversation

Rereading our messages I smile and without even thinking I find myself FaceTiming her

Within no time it connects and I see her beautiful smile on my screen

I: "Why hello Cathrine!"

A smile automatically finds my lips and I reply

C: "Hello there Ivy!"

I: "To what do I owe this fine pleasure of seeing ur perfect face tonight?"

I feel my cheeks heat up and I smile

C: "I was just thinking of you and thought I'd give you a call. Are you busy?"

Her smile lights up my screen and she shows me her lap which is covered by a comforter

I: "Just in bed, I'm all your's Cathrine!"

I smile again and feel the butterflies in my stomach doing circles

C: "How was ur day?"

I: "It was good. Had some new choreography, couple classes, no time for lunch, and a new solo I have to choreograph."

C: "Sounds like a busy day darling, would you like me to go so you can sleep?"

I: "I would rather talk to you than do anything ever... so no. Stay."

She makes me smile for the millionth time, and I came even begin to try to hide it.

As the night goes on we spend it talking and laughing, just like we do every time were together.

Were both now lying down with the lights off just sleepily chatting

As she yawns for the 5th time in 3 minuets I regretfully speak up

C: "I'm going to hang up now darling. I've loved talking with you, and I'm so excited to see you tomorrow."

She smiles at me and replies

I: "Sweet dreams Cathrine, I can't wait to see you. Thank you for calling!"

C: "Sweet dreams beautiful girl."

Short update! 


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