Tenya Iida.

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This'll be the backstory for the Toga one where Suki and Tenya are siblings. It takes place when Suki was 14 and Tenya was 12.

Suki's pov.

"Suki! Suki!"9Suki Suki Daisuki. Sorry- it just reminded me of the song lol) My little brother called, running down the hall as I got home from work. Yes, a 14 year old working. I know. I'm an assistant for a very sweet teacher who has classes for special needs kids. Today I was dealing with one of the sweet little kids. His name is Jeffery and he's autistic. Usually, we have pretty good classes but today, he was fussy and emotional so he ended up having a meltdown and I had to calm him down since the teacher wasn't with us. 

I ended up calming him down after about an hour and a half but it was exhausting and he ended up hitting me a few times. I smiled tiredly as he ran over, hugging me immediately. "Hey, buddy." I sighed. I glanced at the clock. 7:30 PM. "We already had dinner...But I saved food for you!" He smiled. "Thanks, kid. How was school?" I asked as we walked into the kitchen. 

"Mm...it was okay. Some weird kid was getting bullied." He shrugged, hopping up onto the counter. I grabbed the plate out of the fridge and put it in the microwave. "Did you do anything about it?" I asked. "...Not really...The bully is a little bigger and stronger than me so I just ran over, helped the kid up and brought them to a teacher so they could sort it out." He replied, swinging his legs back and forth. "Mm, good. At least you helped as well as you could." I smiled and ruffled his hair. "Did Tensei come home?" I asked. 

Tenya nodded. "Yah, he's in his room. Said he didn't need to study today." He replied. Nice. Go up to your room bud. I'll eat then read you a story buddy." I said. He smiled and nodded before running off. I sighed heavily and sat down. I ate my food then went to our parent's room. "Hey mama, hey dada." I smiled and waved. 

They both looked at me from the TV. "Hey hun." Dad mumbled. "Hi baby." Mum smiled. "I'm gonna go read to Tenya. By the way, the food was good." I mumbled before walking out. I went to Tenya's room and froze as I heard panicked breathing and crying. I opened the door to see him curled up in the corner. I walked over and sat beside him. "What's up? Are you okay?" I asked softly. "I-I can't b-breathe..." He mumbled. 

I sighed. A panic attack. It doesn't seem too bad right now...I've had worse. "Alright. I want you to name 3 of your favorite things." I said, pulling him closer so he sat between my legs sideways with his head against my chest. "Mm....H-hanging out with you...W-watching funny movies...a-and m-my friends.." He mumbled, choking over his tears, shaking. "Alright. Good, good. Now, I want you to listen to my breathing. Try to match yours with mine okay? Just try. I promise you, this'll be over soon. You're okay, bud." I smiled and rubbed his back. He nodded and wrapped his arms around me tightly. 

Slowly, his rapid breathing slowed down and his cries quieted. Then he went into just a few silent tears. He shifted and went on his knees, hugging me. "Thank you so so much, Suki!" He mumbled as he hid his face in my neck. "No problem, kid. I love you. You know that?" I smiled.. "I love you too..."


This happened a couple more times throughout the month. I went to the store and bought two matching bracelets before altering the charms so that it was almost like a call and response thing. The day after I bought them. I came home late from work since Jeffery's mum couldn't pick him up until nine so I got home at nine thirty. Immediately, I found Tenya hiding beside the couch, crying. More like, having another panic attack. 

After I helped him calm down, I handed him the bracelet. "Here. I want you to tap the charm next time you have a panic attack. It'll send a buzz to mine and I can come help whenever you need me." I said. He hugged me. "Thank you! I'm sorry you have to deal with this....I just keep making mistakes and- and I don't want mum and dad to think i'm a failure.... Tensei is so good in all his classes and he makes friends and he's gonna be a hero someday and I don't wanna disappoint..." He mumbled. "Bud, you're not a disappointment. Even if mum and dad don't tell you this, I will. I'm always proud of you. I'll be proud of you for trying. I love you, kid." I kissed the top of his head. He sniffled. "I love you too sis." He mumbled.

( Sorry this one's kinda short but I didn't have any other ideas for the backstory. Someone PLEASE give me recommendations or requests. I need helpppp. Or at least I need to know what you guys want)

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