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Namiah understands his angelic powers now, it is greater and different to those he possessed in the past, because the light of God is his strength now. But there are two things he desires to do before he goes where he needs to go. It helps to be gifted, a cosmic awareness and empathy, enlightens his mind. Now to realize his first desire.

Namiah positioned himself to run, it has been so long since he's enjoyed anything; it is then he allows his locomotive force to carry him, one foot forward, one foot backwards and after is his majestic blur through the path of the hall leading out.

" Great are you LORD " exclaims Namiah as he runs at the speed of light.

Reaching the edge of the hall, Namiah launched himself out into the air without being able to make a single dent to the floor of the hallway: nonetheless he goes straight up like unto a magnificent spear of light, through the rigid winds of heaven. Namiah for one, believes he wouldn't really feel like a real angel unless he flew again and he can only do that if he acknowledges them. Thus he closes his eyes, which are still very much lightened behind the eyelids.

" Spirits of God whom works as the winds of heaven, carry me, allow me to be one with you all. Then the glory of God can also shine through me " Namiah says, after a couple of moments, he was beginning to descend but he has decided against struggling and beating uselessly against the wind as he did all his life.

In the moment of his surrender, is when the invisible spirits of the winds began to whisper to him, saying. 'Fly...Fly...Fly with us': At that instant Namiah becomes airborne and ceases to fall, it was now he starts to feel them and their power over him. Namiah opens his flaring eyes, floats to a stand, whilst his ethereal cape floats behind him as well, the winds of heaven have recognized and accepted him. It was then time to aim and go higher.

Thus with a whoosh, Namiah ascends into the stellar skies of heaven, and zigzags around. He keeps his arms to his sides descending head first, nearing the grounds of heaven, he releases them wide, straight out to either side like a birds wings. Then with a flap of his arms, he takes back up without going too high, he fly's around leaving patterned trails of light everywhere he moved: every single celestial or ascended he passed watch him with amusement, it is obvious he is having fun. Then after he ascends high up again, stops and looks down to his new and permanent home.

" Yes, this truly is home. " Namiah says astonished by the beauty.

His cosmic awareness gets a ring, and he looks at a golden building top, his enhanced vision allowed him to see Levra and a couple of her friends, she waving at him and then gesturing to him to come over, which he did, in a flash...

" Wow, you look really different now, " Levra says whilst he lands in front of her, Namiah causes his eyes to stop flaring. " Thank you, um... " looking around, " you guys going somewhere? " Namiah asks, since his second and last desire was to meet up with Levra again and show her and her friends he is a warrior now. But it seemed that would have to wait.

" Come on friends, the concert is about to start " says a ascended, " well you heard him, come on Nexter concerts are fun here " Levra says, even though Namiah had told her his new name, she still insisted on calling him 'Nexter' says it's a nickname anyway.

H.C.M: HEAVEN'S CALL OF MYSTERYWhere stories live. Discover now