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original sister
five, change

Things are changing. 

Mikael has decided that he no longer likes Kol and I practicing magic.

Finn, Elijah, and Nik practice as well, but it is clear to everyone that Kol and I are the ones taking it seriously. Finn had started to grow out of it over the past few months, as he decided he needed to find someone and settle down. Whenever we asked, he would practice with us, but I don't think he's doing any by himself.

He's moved in with Ayliah, a local girl that we had grown up with. He's still not planning on marrying anytime soon, but our home was getting crowded. Then again, he does live right next to us.

I don't think she had ever been mentioned or seen in the shows, I don't recognize her at all. Apparently, things didn't work out with Sage, though they are deciding to stay friends. Esther still invites her over for dinner occasionally.

I am officially a teenager, I think. The way the count ages still confuses me, and I've been living in this world for years now.

The local boys have started making comments about how I'm growing up to be a young lady, which they quickly learned Mikael nor any of my brothers appreciate. I don't like it either, don't get me wrong, but it's much easier to deflect when there's a bunch of men to do it for you. The local boys (men, really) don't have much tact. My brothers simply put them in their place.

"Bekah, help! Kol's trying to tickle me!"

Ah, Henrik.

He's growing older now, which is both fascinating and worrying. I know our time will come to an end.

I need to find a way to save him.

"You think I'm on your side, little brother?"

Nik, Elijah and I joined Kol and Henrik's little tickle fight that was now happening.

The four of us each found a spot, trying to make Henrik laugh louder.

Somehow, in the tickle pile that had happened, Henrik had moved away just enough that Elijah ended up tickling Kol in the ribs and making him let out a little scream.

"Lijah!" Kol yanked back from them. "Wrong brother!"

"No," We turned to see Finn standing with his hands folded in front of him. "I think he got the right one."

Nik and I looked at each other, then Henrik, then Elijah, and we all pounced on Kol, making him the new target of the tickle fight, the sound of giggles floating through the air.

━━━ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ━━━


The sound of Mikael's voice boomed in the forest. His sword was now pointed at Rebekah, rather than Niklaus.


"YES IT DOES!" Rebekah screamed, perhaps a little too loudly. "He is my brother! I will protect him until the end, especially from you, Mikael-"

The air was knocked out of Rebekah as she fell to the ground, staring up at her father in shock.

"Father, no!" Finn tried to run over, but found himself being held back. Rebekah had unknowingly created a shield between her siblings and their father.

"Bekah..." She turned at the small voice, seeing Henrik standing behind Elijah, far too young to be witnessing the monstrosity that had become of Mikael. He slowly made his way over, grabbing onto Rebekahs hand as she pushed herself up onto her feet and glared at Mikael.

"You do not hurt my brothers." Rebekah pulled Henrik into her side, wrapping her arm around him tighter, tears brimming in her eyes. "I will not allow it."

Mikael's face was stoic, however, his eyes...there was a sadness behind them.

Esther wouldn't... No. She wouldn't.

Niklaus wrapped his arm around Rebekah's waist, supporting her weight, Kol coming to support the other side rather than little Henrik. Elijah and Finn stood between their father and younger siblings, shoulders squared and glaring at their father.

Rebekah watched as their father's eyes flickered through many different emotions and looked around to find their mother.

And she found her.

Esther stood far away, watching from a distance.


━━━ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ━━━


An update after four years! I have honestly been feeling very inspired to write recently, so I'm hoping I can put out at least one chapter of each of my stories in the near future. This chapter is not edited, just like the others, so please be kind if you see a mistake! I'll add the gifs in later, as all of the ones i had saved for this fic are on my old laptop from 2020

I last updated this in November of 2020. I was at such a different point in my life then, which is crazy to think about.

As always, I hope you enjoyed this short but sweet chapter! Let me know what you thought, I appreciate every comment!

I'm very open to ideas and suggestions on what you want to read and how you want this story to progress!

I hope to see you all again soon!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 16 ⏰

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