I'm almost eaten by a Chimera

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First things first, if you think your a half-blood . . . don't. Get the though out of your head and don't think of it again. Being a half-blood is a sure fire way to get killed. Trust me when I say its not all fun and games.

I have been on the run from monsters for 16 months and somehow I haven't died yet. The key word of that sentence being yet. Sadly today might be my unlucky day.

The day started like any other I went to a gas station to get some food with the money I had gotten while on the street(you'd be surprised by how much money people will give a random child). That's when I saw it, the monster that would most likely kill me, the chimera. I started running and it followed. Once I was in the woods I saw someone out of the corner of my eye, they shot an arrow and the chimera turned to dust. I didn't stop to see who it was I just kept running, scared of what the person might do if they found me.

This wasn't the first monster attack that had happen't to me and I it definitely won't be my last but so far this was the scariest. If it weren't for the random stranger that shot it I would be dead, I mean the chimera represents the most dangerous beast that the human imagination can conjure. The chimera is a death sentence for demigods, and yes I now that I am a demigod. My mom left me a note when she died though she didn't tell me who my godly parent is she did tell me were camp was the hard part was trying to get there without a map or a satyr guide.

There were no other monster attacks that day so when night fell I climbed a tree to sleep in for the night like I did every night. I got the idea from Hunger Games, yes I know that it sounds stupid but it actually works it's surprising how much people and monsters forget to look up.

Soon, I fell asleep and hoped that no one would try to attack me that night. I  was also wishing that the stranger from the chimera attack in the woods earlier didn't show up looking for me  and I long for them to have not noticed who I was because before I was on the run I was a famous singer.

Little to my knowledge though, my desires would proven wrong later that night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10 ⏰

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