Well, We're All In The Mood For A Melody (And You've Got Us Feelin' Alright)

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Will smirked as he glanced at Austin and Kayla, a dance of mischief in his eyes. His smirk got just a tad bigger when he saw the matching mischief dancing in Austin and Kayla's eyes. He glanced around and noted that most of their siblings were in the cabin. The only ones not in the cabin were the toddlers that had been left at camp, which saddened him but he understood the parents of them.

He took a breath and began to hum.

"No!" Jake jumped up, pointing at Will with wide eyes. "No! Not again!" Will only continued to hum as Kayla and Austin gave in and also began to hum. It was near instinct in children of Apollo to harmonize when other children of Apollo were humming, whistling or singing. Sure, a child of Apollo could fight the instinct, but it was then a battle of wills. And Cabin Counselor's had to have a... strength to make sure they could keep their siblings in line. It was why Lee was such a good cabin counselor, and then Micheal. Will learned from them and he would honor their strength with his own.

"Come on Will, that's not fair!" Lily cried out, but when she had stopped talking, she was also humming. She was pouting, but there was a light of happiness in the seven year old's eyes. Jake was also humming, and though the 13 year old was glaring at Will, he was also fighting his own smile, Will noted. Half of the cabin was quietly humming, and Will wondered who was going to break first.

"My nanna says I have traveling feet-" Of course it was Carmen, Will glanced over at the eight year old. "Traveling feet, traveling feet. Slippers for princesses don't fit me, but I dance to my own drum, bright and bold, and my traveling feet always get me home." Will smiled at her encouragingly. Carmen loved to sing, however she was a quiet voice that was easily overshadowed.

"I'm a map of the world and the one's before, one foot in sea and one on shore. Every step, every hope flung high." Kayla continued when Carmen's voice filtered out. A smile on her eyes as she motioned for Carmen to finish the verse.

"I'm a map of them all with my Irish eyes." Carmen was smiling as she jumped down from her bed and ran over to Kayla. All the while, the children of Apollo hummed.

"There's a tear in your eye and I'm wondering why, For it never should be there at all." Mark sang quietly. "With such pow'r in your smile, sure a stone you'd beguile, So there's never a tear-drop should fall."

"When your sweet lilting laughter's like some fairy song, And your eyes twinkle bright as can be." Amelia added, a laugh in her voice as she kicked her feet idly. Behind her, Mary was doing her hair with Cody itching to help, it looked. "You should laugh all the while and all other times, smile."

"And now smile a smile for me." Cody finished. Will smiled, raising his hum up just a little louder. Not in volume, but making it a different pitch. Automatically, everyone humming shifted to either match, or add in melody or harmony.

"When Irish eyes are smiling, Sure it's like a morn in Spring." Kayla sang, swaying gently as Carmen sat on her lap. Kayla was holding her carefully, making sure that she wasn't going to fall at any point.

"In the lilt of Irish laughter, You can hear the angels sing." Austin continued smirking as Jacob, only four years old, grabbed onto his pant leg. He clearly wanted to be picked up, but Austin's hands were full of blankets. Cleaning days were always done in parts.

"When Irish hearts are happy, All the world seems bright and gay." Will stuck his tongue out at Kayla who made a playfully teasing expression towards him. Will crouched down and motioned for Jacob to come to him, smiling when the four year old ran towards him, giggling lightly before continuing to hum. Will lifted him up, and smiled at Carmen.

"And when Irish eyes are smiling, Sure, they steal your heart away." Carmen clapped her hands lightly, starting another instinct. Will placed Jacob on his arm, beginning to clap along with Carmen, a smile on his face as everyone in the cabin slowly began to clap along. It reminded him of a movie that was recently released; a woman singing and everyone dancing, clapping and having fun as they existed together.

"For your smile is a part of the love in your heart, And it makes even sunshine more bright." Jake cracked, a smile falling onto his face as he clapped. "Like the linnet's sweet song, crooning all the day long, Comes your laughter so tender and light."

"For the spring-time of life is the sweetest of all, There is ne'er a real care or regret." Mary voiced, with Cody clapping beside her, just enough to soothe her own instinct to join in as she worked on Amelia's hair.

"And while spring-time is ours throughout all of youth's hours, Let us smile each chance we get." Ameila and Carmen sang together and Will smiled. He loved when his siblings were able to smile, laugh, and sing with one another. Just because they needed the kick in the ass to get started, didn't mean that they would always need it.

"When Irish eyes are smiling, Sure it's like a morn in Spring."

"In the lilt of Irish laughter." Maria sang, she was new to camp, only 12 years old, and was settling in amazingly. "You can hear the angels sing."

"When Irish hearts are happy," Austin sang, smiling at her as he finished making his own bed. The bunk above his was Kayla's, and she had a particular way about her sheets, which were thankfully done that morning. Will didn't think he could stomach another argument between the two.

"All the world seems bright and gay," Will rolled his eyes as Austin playfully teased him with his own form of expression. His siblings had a habit of teasing him whenever the topic of 'gay' or 'bi' or even 'sexuality' was brought up, despite half of them being of the various mentioned. He was the first that had ever openly had a relationship, so they took teasing to a whole new level, even Lee and Micheal had never had a relationship that they were quite so open about. "And when Irish eyes are smiling."

"Sure, they steal your heart away." Carmen finished the song off, and Will relented. The humming teetered out and Jake cheered as he collapsed back onto his bed... and proceeded to miss and hit the ground.


"Jake, you okay?" Will asked, amusement coloring his voice.

"I hate that you can do that, you know." Jake muttered, and Will chuckled as the rest of the cabin began to laugh and giggle as they all resumed making their designated areas clean again. Art supplies were put back in their bins under the beds, all sorted to how the child prefers, and journals were back on the shelves. Instruments were also all carefully placed back on their stands or in their cases, all placed in bins under their beds.

"I'm well aware, Jake, but it helps us... bring harmony to the cabin, don't you think?" Will snickered as Kayla and Austin groaned.

"Not with the music puns of you I beg." Austin told him, pointing a finger at him before turning and helping little Emily sort her stuffed animals.

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