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Nara was holding back an eye-roll.

She wasn't sure whether it was because of her unstable emotion or she really meant it, but she clearly, did not like what she watched right now. Not a nasty scene whatsoever, it was only Younghoon preparing breakfast. But, still, the whole thing was up to her dislike.

Why must he beam ever so loudly upon pouring eggs into the pan to make an omelette? What was the hum for when he opened the fridge to take out the orange juice? And why must he ruffle her hair as he placed the tall glass on the kitchen island she sat by?

Disgusting, Nara thought as she downed an acidic lump in her throat.

Younghoon was a sweet guy. All these actions Nara was seeing right now weren't out of his habit, he had always done that. However, she couldn't help but experience the change in her heart upon seeing it. Maybe, she still could comprehend it if his true colour remained a secret, but, what's done is done, she couldn't force herself to pretend like nothing really happened.

"I didn't know you spent the night here," it was then, that she spoke up to reduce the hatred she had over him by the stove. "I thought you left in the middle of the night."

Younghoon glanced over his shoulder to see her in the eyes and smiled - something she started to sick of no matter how pretty the smile was. "I stayed because I wanted to make breakfast for you."

Sickening, she cursed loudly in her head.

Again, that hum echoed while Younghoon brought the finished omelette to the counter, he plopped on the stool next to her. It made Nara unable to hold any scoff that finally escaped through her lips.

"I don't understand why you look so happy today. Like you just hit a jackpot," she raised a brow as she looked at him, arms crossed over her chest.

"Ah..." Younghoon poured the juice into the glass and carefully passed it to her which she took but then she placed it back on the surface of the counter. "It's because I am really happy."


"It's a relief that now you don't have to deal with any headache and you seem more comfortable," he dove into her hazel eyes that day-by-day bewitching.

Had only he known that her eyes were Hyunjae's favourite feature, he might have changed his decision from the beginning - before he lost his eyes from looking too much.

"Dabin, you know," he leaned forward, closer to her. "It also pained me every time you were hurt. And I hope we can continue living happily like this."

Aren't you just worried? The corner of her lips twitched to form a smirk.

"Eat... You will be late for work," she beckoned to the plate which Younghoon let out another beam, cutting a small piece with the spoon and passed it to her. Nara had no other choice other than to take it. Just to be polite, she told herself.

But, the smell that hit her nostril right now did no justice. It was full of flavour, and the smell was nice, nonetheless, it seemed like it wouldn't be a favourite for her baby. Oh my god, she clenched her hand tight on her lap, hoping that any of her uneasy movements did not look suspicious.

However, the sickness wasn't something she could simply ask her brain to stop once it launched. She definitely, did not have any power to stop it and that was when she rushed to the bathroom and again, did not forget to lock the door. By now, she was very sure that Younghoon might have left speechless, too stunned to speak even. He probably was blinking furiously at the table and thinking how could she disappear ever so fast.

Nara's assumption probably was correct because the next thing that happened was a faint knock on the door, while she still let the water from the tap run.

"Is everything okay?" Younghoon's worried voice was heard behind the door and then another knock was launched. "Dabin?"

Taking a deep breath, Nara huffed, feeling the pain of her inflamed throat. Swiftly, she then turned off the tap and opened the door after making sure that she looked decent enough. It definitely, was too early to let Younghoon find out everything that would lead her to announce her defeat in this game.

When the door squeaked open revealing her looking fine and did not look sick at all, Younghoon was slightly scrunching his face. It was as if he was doubting his eyes. Am I looking right? was what he thought.

"What happened?" He questioned with his head slightly pondered.

But, Nara had excelled in pretending. She hummed that sounded like a question with brows knitted. "What... happened?"

"Dabin, I am serious," his expression was now too straight to joke around. "What happened to you? Are you not feeling fine? Should we go see a doctor?"

"You are overreacting," she nonchalantly crossed her arms as she looked up at him. "I am definitely fine. Just a nature's call."

A heave of sigh was then escaping Younghoon's system as if he was really, relieved by the news. Nara couldn't help but think that this guy would be such a great partner. But, in someone else's life, not hers. The amount of love he would shower over his partner later would make other women die of jealousy. Repeat that - other women, and not her.

"I'm afraid that you will be late for work," she added, cutting the weird thought in her head. "Go now."

"Aren't you going to the flower shop? Let me send you there," he beckoned to the front door with his chin. "Besides, I want to know where this shop you're working at."

Damn, she cursed under her breath, holding herself from letting the anger paint on her face. 

"I'm not going."

"Huh? Why?"

"Because... we are closed today."

If anyone needed a great actress who did not receive any proper training, Lee Nara completely, would suit the criteria. The way her head could immediately generate ideas and excuses was something that should be saluted. And her soft look was a bonus because Younghoon wouldn't even think that the face he was looking at was prone to lie.

He believed it and did not question it further as he left the house.

Exhaling a big lump of air after sending the male off, Nara thought that it was the end. She thought she finally could breathe normally, harvesting as many as ideas possible to finish the game she started. But, it wasn't.

As she turned on her heels to go back to the room she currently resided in, she was met with another jumpscare. Younghoon's mother was there, her sullen gaze found her hazel eyes. Nara breathed out heavily, reaching for the nearest wall to support her weight.

"You scared me..." She rubbed her chest, and suddenly a sensation of throwing up was launched.

To her surprise, the old woman strode closer to her, skimming her thoroughly from head to toe before those eyes once again met her. Her orbs were full of sorrow which made her wonder how it could be like that.

"I know you aren't happy living this way," out of the blue, the old woman said, reaching for Nara's hand. "Don't force yourself to reciprocate his feelings. Just tell him the truth."

And that was when Nara noticed something unusual. Younghoon's mother seemed to adore her just for a little bit like this would be the last time they met. Her loving motherly gaze skimmed her again from head to toe and somehow everything seemed to halt swiftly.

What was that? She thought hard.

"Go take a rest," the old woman advised before she went passed her to mind her own business.

Nara swore she felt, and she saw it. And that wasn't a hallucination of hers. Younghoon's mother was staring at her belly.

"Am I caught?"

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