Chapter 1

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Vivian scowled up at the red train as she stood alone in the crowd on platform 9 ¾, trolly in hand and dread building. She did not want to get on this train. Scratch that - she did not want to go to this school. "Transferring" as a 5th year, to a school on the other side of the planet, practically a different universe than the Chicago neighborhood she had lived all her life, was a nightmare Vivian wished she would, could wake up from.

One final time, she closed her eyes and willed herself awake, praying to be back in her bed, in the two story brownstone surrounded by the magical community that had raised her. But no, when she opened her eyes she was disappointed, though not surprised, to see the stupid train still in front of her.

Racking her brain for a final time for an escape from her misery, Vivian toyed with the idea of simply leaving King's Cross Station all together. It's not like anyone knew her here anyway. They wouldn't know to stop her from leaving the train station. She could just walk through the wall right now and no one would be none the wiser. In fact, she could–

Her woeful inner monologue was interrupted by a very tall, very red haired boy slamming into her at full speed. Without warning, Vivian was suddenly on her back in the middle of the platform staring at the high ceilings. Right. This would happen to me today, she thought to herself bitterly. Closing her eyes, she debated whether or not she even wanted to get up from the floor before realizing that the redhead had rushed over and was apologizing to her over and over.

"-SO sorry!" he was saying to her frantically as he helped her to her feet, "Are you okay? I should have been looking where I was going."

Despite her sour mood, she couldn't help smiling up at the guy. Bad day aside, it really hadn't been that big of a deal. He was acting like he had run her over with his car for christ sake. She found his upset at the situation rather endearing. It also didn't hurt that his amber colored eyes were focused on her in a way that made her stomach flutter just a little. No, that did not hurt at all.

"I'm okay" she laughed, cutting off the boy's lengthy apology. "Still in one piece."

"Good" he sighed, clearly relieved. "What year are you? I don't think I've seen you around school before?" he asked, now looking curiously at her.

She opened her mouth to respond, but was interrupted as a girl around 11 or 12, with the same flame red hair and freckles came running up to them, looking more than a little impatient.

"George!" she grunted impatiently. "We're getting on the train, hurry UP".

"Got it," replied the boy she now knew as George as he turned to leave with his sister. "See you later!" he said to Vivian over his shoulder. "Sorry again for knocking you over" he added with a half guilty, half mischievous grin.

Seeing that he was already halfway down the platform, Vivian did not bother coming up with a reply to this. Turning back to the train, she sighed. It appeared that there was no avoiding this. She had to get on this train. She had to go to Hogwarts. To "Wizard School" a concept she still found bizarre. She had to do what her parents all but commanded her to do.

With a final groan she stepped onto the train, trunk in hand and searched for an empty compartment. Maybe she would get lucky and no one else would attempt to speak to her for the remainder of the journey. Maybe if she was really lucky, she could avoid speaking to anyone ever again.


Standing at the front of the line with the first years, in the middle of Hogwarts' Great Hall, surrounded by every Hogwarts' student and faculty member, Vivian was sure she was going to be sick. She had been prepared for an awkward first couple days. Maybe even a few looks the first night. She'd read books, okay, seen all the movies. She knew what to expect from a new kid at school trope and she had resolved herself to power through it, despite every instinct in her body screaming at her to flee.

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