Chapter 4

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"I don't see why I have to be the one to distract him."

"Because Vivian, he'll suspect something if one of us tries to. The bloke knows we both loathe him. It wouldn't make sense for us to suddenly be interested in a chat."

Vivian glared at Fred. He had been trying to talk her into this plan for 20 minutes, unsuccessfully.

"What would I even talk to him about, Fred? You haven't thought this through."

"I don't know?? Talk about a potion or something? It doesn't have to be a brilliant conversation," he replied, throwing his hands in the air in exasperation.

"If all else fails you can show a little cleavage and distract him that way," said Alicia with a raised eyebrow, inserting herself into the conversation from her position in front of the fireplace.

Vivian scowled back at her from the armchair she had been forced into by Fred. She was never telling her anything again.

"Huh?" a perplexed looking George asked, looking between the two girls.

"Oh you haven't heard?" Alicia said with a smirk, "Vivian would totally shag Snape if she had the opportunity."

"WHAT?" The twins both shot up from the couch looking at Vivian in pure horror.

"That is NOT what I said, Alicia," Vivian responded, glaring at her friend, who grinned in response. "Besides, we talked about that during wine night. Is nothing sacred? Did I tell anyone what you said about Hagrid?"

"HEY now we don't need to get into all that..." Alicia laughed sheepishly.

"Hang on hang on hang on so what did you say about Snape?" said George, interrupting the girl's squabble.

"Yeaaaaah, and what did you say about Hagrid?" asked Fred, who now looked at Alicia quizzically.

Vivian shot an annoyed look at Alicia and rolled her eyes at the twins.

"Nothing, I just said he isn't the worst looking professor in this place."

Alicia made a loud noise of disagreement, causing both twin's eyebrows to shoot past their hairline.

"Do NOT make me say it, Alicia," Vivian warned, pointing a finger at her. "I will tell them what you said about Hagrid's-"

"Alright alright truce," Alicia said laughing quickly and waving her hands out in front of her.

The twins, however, did not appear like they wanted to drop the matter.

"So the plan?" Vivian said loudly, before either of them could question the girls further.

The twins exchanged a look that Vivian could only describe as befuddled before launching back into their plan.

"While you're distracting him, we're going to sneak into his office and put a healthy dose of sleeping draught into his tea," Fred began.

"Once he's out, slipping his keys from his pocket will be a piece of cake," nodded George.

"And from there it's only a matter of getting to his room and back before he wakes up," Fred finished, a proud grin creeping onto his face.

Vivian sighed. They seemed particularly confident that this would work, but she was still worried.

"But how are you going to know when he's asleep? It's not like you can peek into his office every 30 seconds until he's unconscious."

"Easy!" the twins said together.

"Potter's gonna let us borrow his invisibility cloak. We're staying in his office til the bugger is asleep," said George excitedly.

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