Chapter 3: Entering The Dark Side

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"Reporters?! In the building?!" Dae shouted. "This isn't good! We need to go to Next Level, asap!"

The call ended.

"Astra, dispatch portal!" William raised his hands.

Drone Astra beeped for a moment, projecting a portal in front of them.

"You go first." William looked at Dae. "I'll meet you there."

Dae nodded, quickly running into the portal.

"Astra, close the portal." William ordered.

The portal closed.

Will then activated his smartwatch, setting off his next coordinates.

"Alright, Astra, teleport me."

Drone Astra flew above his head, slowly teleporting him into his next destination, Next Level Building.


William revealed himself in the other side of the building, precisely on the surveillance room, where he could see every cameras that were scattered around the building, including the front cams that showed a crowd of reporters trying to get the truth out of the bag. Dae was also there, trying to control the situation.

"Is this a tragedy? Or just a pure coincidence?" One of the reporters, a curly-haired woman in green, led the others to chase the truth. Dae recognized her as Yelena Gold-Qyshin's best journalist.

"I think you being here is a tragedy!" Dae shouted. For a moment, his voice went deeper than usual. "Now, off with the cameras! Let the Police do their job and work on this case!"

Yelena smirked. A dark aura emerged around her being, with her eyes being darker than before. "Oh, ho! But people already know about the incident, so why do you have to hide it from the public? Is there anything you don't want the world to discover?"

This time, Dae was serious-William could see the drastic change from behind the cameras. "As you see, we're investigating the matter. You guys are only trampling the evidence! Now away with you and your lackeys!"

"Oh, come on, Dae, just one more question-"

"You won't manipulate me like that one time again. Not anymore!" Dae shouted, creating a neon yellow aura effect around him-it was not from the projectors William gave him. "One last warning. Go!"

Yelena laughed, her dark aura slowly disappeared, her appearance turning back to normal. "Alright, sure~ C'mon, guys, we'll have a look at them from afar."

"Not on my watch." William said. "Now, Astra!"

Drone Astra hit a button near him, activating Next Level's high security system.

"Intruders detected. Initiating safety protocols."

And suddenly, multiple built-in laser guns revealed themselves being attached to every single corner of the building, shooting in every direction. Yelena and her reporter lackeys managed to run away before it's too late, but Dae had to take cover.

William had Astra teleporting him to Dae's location, saving him from the laser beams.

"Dae!" William shouted. "Over here!"

Dae looked at the source of the voice.

"Astra, teleport us to the outside of the building, now!" William grabbed Dae's hands just in time when Drone Astra flew above their head, teleporting them to Next Level Integrated Entrance.

Michelle, who received the news from her boss, quickly ran to the top surveilance room to turn off the laser shooters. Luckily, the laser could only harm human beings and not other objects.

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