Convincing pt 68

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It has been a great week. It is the first day of the next year, 2002. We spent the week with my, our family. Remus and my dad are like friends by now and my mother seems to accept him too. She had tears in her eyes as we told her we'd have to leave on New Year's Eve because Remus had to transform in the Shrieking Shack. "Rest well after that, boy", she said and hugged him. I had to suppress a grin because of the word boy.
Right now, we lie on the destroyed bed inside the shack. His head rests on my stomach like on a pillow and his breath goes slow and calm. The skin of his entire body is cold and even my warmth charm doesn't really help, so doesn't the duvet. Suddenly, he whines in his sleep. "Remus, is everything alright?", I ask him, stroking through his hair. "Hurts", he mumbles. "What is hurting, love?" "M'bones." "Do you want to lie in another position?" He nods. I slowly turn around, holding the back of his head with my hand, laying him down carefully. "Better?" He just nods. I lie down next to him, my lips against his shoulder. "Y'have school tomorrow. Y'should go 'n prepare." "Remus, you have school tomorrow too and we have the whole day to prepare. I won't go now. I won't leave you alone like this." Remus tries to smile weakly and I stroke through his hair again lightly. He is pale as snow. "You are so brave. You are so strong", I whisper, "Nothing will ever break you. You will survive. You are the bravest man I've ever met." "Y'are braver", he mumbles and fights to open his eyes. "Shh, rest your eyes. I know that you only want to open them to emphasise what you said. And this is not even lightly as much important as your resting. Besides, I'm not." "Y'love 'n older man who's your teacher", he protests quietly. "That isn't bravery. It is a right to love. And I love you. That's all what I tell people who are against us." "Y'are insane", he smiles. "You made me so."

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