Prologue: Mystara Academy

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 Lyora ^

Authors Note: Hey there! This is my first time publishing so please be kind and forgive any mistakes I may have made. I hope someone takes some time to let me know what they think! Hope you enjoy!! :)


In the hallowed halls of Mystara Academy, where ancient stone echoed with the whispers of magic and centuries-old secrets, I found myself swept into a world of enchantment and intrigue. It was a year before my official enrollment, and I wandered the corridors with a mix of awe and trepidation along with the rest of my tour group, my heart pounding with anticipation as I glimpsed the wondrous sights that lay beyond each turn.

As we ventured deeper into the labyrinthine maze of classrooms and lecture halls, our tour group suddenly halted at a classroom door, the soft murmur of voices drifting out from within. Our guide pushed the door open fully and led us inside, and my breath caught in my throat at the sight that greeted me.

Before me stood a group of students, their faces alight with the spark of knowledge and the promise of untold adventures. I took note of how unfazed the academy students were by the group entering and wondered if they must be used to it. That is, until I took a seat in the back with my group and noticed the students' fixation on someone talking at the head of the class.

A tall and imposing figure held court, his commanding presence casting a spell of reverence upon his audience. 

This was Kalim Thorne, a name whispered in hushed tones throughout the academy, renowned for his mastery of the arcane arts and his formidable intellect.

Born into nobility as the son of a duke, Kalim bore the weight of lofty expectations on his shoulders. Destined to inherit his family's title and estates, he was also fated to be the youngest spellcaster in history to achieve the coveted Master rank. The whispers that trailed in his wake spoke of his prodigious talent and the inevitability of his ascension—they predicted that by the age of 21, he would stand as a peer among the most revered spellcasters in the realm.

As I focused on what he was doing at the front, I couldn't help but take notice of his striking appearance. Kalim was tall, his broad shoulders and muscular build exuding a quiet strength that commanded attention. His tanned skin glowed with a warm, sun-kissed hue, no doubt a testament to the hours he spent training outdoors. His black, wavy hair fell in effortless disarray around his face, medium in length and framing his sharp features in a way that made him look both rugged and refined.

Kalim's attire only added to his allure. He was clad in all black, the leather jacket hugging his powerful frame perfectly. The jacket had an air of rebellion to it, accentuating his already formidable presence. His dark jeans and combat boots completed the ensemble, giving him an edge that was impossible to ignore.

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