Chapter Eleven: Into the Dark Arts

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The library was a sanctuary of silence and shadows, a place where knowledge and mystery intertwined. It was during study period that I found myself here, surrounded by the comforting presence of my new friends.

The familiar scent of old books and parchment filled the air as we settled into our usual corner, the heavy wooden table piled high with scrolls and tomes.

Kalim was engrossed in his studies, his brow furrowed in concentration. Kieran, ever the jokester, was attempting to balance a quill on his nose, much to Aurora's amusement. Galen, on the other hand, was quietly reading a book on ancient spells, his focus unbroken even by Kieran's antics.

As I tried to immerse myself in my own studies, my gaze kept drifting to the corner at the far end of the library. The ancient, ornate door, one that seemed to pulse with an almost magnetic energy. The temptation to explore it tugged at me, a persistent whisper in the back of my mind.

But I knew better than to give in to such impulses, especially after my recent failure against Isolde left me feeling less than up to any challenge.

Instead, I turned my attention to a stack of books on dark arts, hoping to glean some insight that might help me in future encounters.

Just as I began to lose myself in the intricacies of a particularly complex spell, a shadow fell across our table. I looked up to see Isolde herself standing there, her presence as commanding as ever. She wore a smug smile, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and disdain.

"Studying hard, are we?" she drawled, her voice dripping with condescension. "I hope you're finding those books useful, Lyora. You certainly need all the help you can get."

I felt a surge of anger at her words, but I forced myself to remain calm. "Just trying to improve, Isolde," I replied evenly, meeting her gaze with as much confidence as I could muster.

Isolde chuckled, a low, mocking sound. "Improvement is good. But remember, no amount of studying can make up for a lack of natural talent."

Galen, surprisingly, spoke up. "Everyone learns at their own pace, Isolde. Some of us prefer hard work over arrogance."

Isolde's eyes flicked to Galen, a hint of irritation flashing in them. "Ah, Galen. Always the defender of the underdog. How noble of you." She glanced back at me, her smirk widening. "But do try to keep up, Lyora. It would be a shame if you were left behind."

With that, she turned and sauntered away, leaving a trail of cold disdain in her wake. I clenched my fists, struggling to keep my composure. Her words had struck a nerve, but I refused to let her see how deeply they had affected me.

Aurora reached across the table and placed a comforting hand on mine. "Don't let her get to you, Lyora. She's just trying to rattle you."

Kalim nodded in agreement. "Aurora's right. Isolde thrives on making others feel inferior. Don't give her the satisfaction."

Kieran, having abandoned his quill-balancing act, leaned forward. "Besides, we'll all help you. There's no way she's getting the best of you again. Plus, she's probably just jealous since Galen and her had a thing."

I stared at Kieran, my shock evident. "Galen and Isolde had a thing?"

Aurora rolled her eyes, her annoyance clear. "Kieran, that's not really helpful right now."

Galen's cheeks tinged with a faint red, but he held his ground. "It was nothing serious, just a brief...misunderstanding. Let's focus on the matter at hand."

Aurora sighed, her irritation giving way to concern. "Lyora, Kieran's right about one thing—we're all here for you. Isolde's just trying to mess with your head because she feels threatened. She's used to being the best at everything, and you're the new challenge to that."

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