Chapter 1

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- Are you fucking kidding me?! 

Sebastian shouted, jumping up from his chair and hitting the kitchen table angrily. There was true fury on his face, and he stared at his mother sitting in front of him, gritting his teeth tightly. 

- Sit down, I don't have time for this - Robin said, trying to hide her anger towards her son. 

- Are you out of your mind?! I'm not marrying that that bitch! 

- Shut up, and listen to me! 

Sebastian looked back at Robin, who was on the verge of fury. Very reluctantly, he sat back in the chair and listened to what his mother had to say. Honestly, he wanted to just walk out of there and slam the door, but he was already a grown man having a serious conversation about his future. He crossed his arms, squeezing his hands tightly. 

This whole situation was against his limits. He was perfectly aware that the actions he committed would require consequences, but he did not expect that his own family would force him to take drastic steps. It was enough for him that the feeling of guilt and anger at himself made his grief increase many times over. He had been with the farmer for over a year, and he couldn't imagine life without her - so why did he cheat on her? How could this happen? Everyone in Pelican Town knew that Sebastian abhorred alcohol - and he didn't drink of his own free will. This was due to the fact that when he went to play pool with Sam, he saw the state to which the adults in the bar were getting, and he promised himself that he would never get into a similar state. On that fateful New Year's Eve, Abigail offered him a glass of whiskey, and he felt stupid to refuse because she "bought it for him" with the money she had saved, and it was his very belated birthday present. Whiskey is imported from Zuzu City, and can cost a fortune - so despite his reluctance, he drank these few sips so as not to waste his old friend's money.

 Sebastian didn't know then that this one glass of whiskey would ruin his whole life.

- You brought this on yourself - and your only option is to take responsibility for what you did. How do you imagine it? Running away?! 

That wasn't what he meant at all. Who said he would leave Abigail without any help? The last thing Sebastian wanted was to marry a woman to whom he promised nothing but friendship.

- But why do I have to marry her?! I don't love her, and I never will! - he shouted, expressing his obvious anger and regret at the unfair decision Robin had made.

- Why do you say that? You'll see, with time everything will work out for both of you. 

- Surely not, you really don't understand what I mean? I don't want to have a life like you and my father had before he died!

- Sebastian, I don't even want to hear about it. You're going to marry her, whether you like you or not - I don't want you to bring shame into this family! - Robin said, not even looking her son in the eye.

- Shame?! And you are saing that?! After marrying Demetrius like three months after fathers death?! 

Robin had enough of Sebastian's explanations, and in a burst of emotion, she stood up and violently threw the old vase that was standing on the table, smashing it on the floor. It was a vase that she received as a wedding anniversary gift from Demetrius. Her eyebrows were furrowed heavily whenever she was really angry. Sebastian looked at his mother with disbelief and fear. He really didn't expect that he could bring her to such a drastic state.

- I don't care Sebastian! I don't give a fuck abou it! And if you're not engaged to her by tomorrow's evening, don't even show up at my doorstep! 

He couldn't believe it. He just couldn't, his own mother wanted to throw him out of the house? No, she definitely didn't mean it - she just said it in a fit of anger, right? He didn't know whether to take it seriously or not, he was fed up with it. He got up from the kitchen table and, ignoring Robin standing in front of him, confidently walked out of the kitchen, almost slamming the door. Outside the kitchen, he heard the sound of glass being lifted, probably the remains of a vase that had just been smashed on the floor. Sebastian stood in the corridor and, lowering his head, leaned his hand against a wooden pillar. He felt his legs shaking, and even though he was a grown man, he wanted to cry like a baby. Two weeks ago he had a wonderful life that was literally razed to the ground. The farmer who was the love of his life didn't want to know him anymore, and his best friend turned away from him. All this because he drank a glass of whiskey on New Year's Eve - and the next day he woke up in bed with his friend, Abigail. He began to think back to the days when life was easier for him, and despite feeling completely panicked, he couldn't pull himself together. Why did it all happen this way? He was slowly losing control of himself, this terrible, excruciating pain was driving him to the point where he had no strength left. The regret and sadness he felt turned into guilt that plagued him, despite the fact that it wasn't his fault. Everything that happened wasn't his fault, but no one wanted to hear about it. In the eyes of the people of Pelican Town, Sebastian was guilty, and no matter how many times he explained what happened, no one would believe him. He was all alone. 

Suddenly he felt someone's hand on his shoulder, and he was suddenly shaken from his trance by turning around. To his surprise, it was his mother's husband, Demetrius. Without a word, he grabbed him tightly by the arm and began to force him towards the laboratory. Sebastian was completely confused by what he was doing, and didn't even have time to react and push him away. Within seconds they were both in the lab, and pushing Sebastian in front of him, Demetrius closed the door. 

- What the hell?! - Sebastian yelled, looking at him with anger. 

- And what are you going to do now? Run away? Certainly not to your beloved farmer, she hates you. Do you understand what that means? You have nothing, and I'll makie sure it stays that way. 

Sebastian wanted to say something in response, but all that came out were incoherent syllables. Demetrius, not paying attention to him, continued talking, moving towards him. He grabbed him tightly by the shirt, and pulled him so that Sebastian could hear every word, making the boy feel terribly uncomfortable.

- You must marry her, otherwise I will make sure you never set foot in this house - and your reputation will be ruined, even though it already is. And even if you manage to make a life for yourself anywhere, I will do everything in my power to destroy it for you. You won't be able to escape me, Sebastian, remember that. 

Demetrius let go of his sweatshirt and walked towards the door. Sebastian was furious, and before he could shout any insults at him, the man standing in front of him turned to face him, grabbing the door handle. 

- You heared your mother, you have time untill tomorrow's evening. 



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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