the night their adventure took place was the night after many fawna were reported missing, and many fawna had spotted more hunters they were comfortable with
all parents were ordered to keep their kids hidden inside their homes hidden by a special power of disguise that only the fawna possess
Alena and Alan were part of the kids who were warned to stay inside past sundown, as they were young and still learning the way of the woods, but one night alena got tired of staying inside, and decided to wander the woods and prove the adults wrong.
to show them there's no hunter worry about, obviously Alan didn't like the idea and tried to convince her to drop the plan, but she was insistent and asked him to come with her, ofcourse he refused and pleaded it was too dangerous, but Alena kept persisting and even threatened to go without him.
as any good brother would Alan succumbed to her offer and agreed to go with her, on one condition, that she treads the forest carefully, and if there's even the slightest sigh of a hunter they have to come home immediately, and never look back.
alena agreed as she grabbed him by his arm and snuck out of their well hidden home in the dead of night, to wander through the dark forest dimmly lit by bits of moonlight peering through the trees as the wind gently blew and everything was quiet.
"The Legend Of Hunters Head Forest"
General Fictiondemonic twins, and their lifestory, insight on their tragic death, their revenge, and how their story, became legend