how the twins got their title pt 2

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as the night proceeds, the hunter finishes his routine and shuts down for the night.

by this time the thought of what he seen earlier completely left his mind, as he got into bed, and drifted off to sleep

a couple hours pase and he gets up to use the bathroom.

as he walk past a window to the bathroom he spots something yellow in the forest, he stops in his tracks and squints his eyes as he tries to focus on it, a moment passes before he realizes it's Alan, standing at the edge of the forest right outside of his cabin, staring at him, as he peeks through the window.

the hunter is taken aback and remembers what he seen earlier that night, he stare for a bit before heavy wind comes in and obscurs Alan's visibility.

the hunter frantically tried to look out of the window in many different angles to see what was going on, as the leaves settled, Alan was nowhere to be seen, and left as fast as he came.

the hunter now thinking he is losing his mind, proceeds to stare at the window before going about his night, but not before closing all the curtains and resting uneasy the rest of the night.

this experience left him a bit shaken a feeling he wont have to get used to for long.

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