You've been Served!

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Today has been tough, not going to lie. I felt all day that I really wanted to get this out on our 6'3" Canadian Angel Drummers Birthday. So it's probably shorter than a lot of my other chapters but It deserved to go out today. M
I Miss you every day Cory. You are always in my heart. You inspire me to be a better human being. I you inspire me to remain clean and sober. Love you always.

Chapter 12 You've been served!

Finn's POV

It's been a couple of days since Rachel started her online classes. She is happier than I've ever seen her. Mom will bring her to Glee practice on Mondays and Wednesday and on Friday I go pick her up because that's my early release day.

"Finn, now that treasure trail is no longer here, you can tell the truth. You and I can be together and raise our baby."

This week Rach stayed at home Quinn became overtly aggressive in her pursuit of me. Nothing I was doing was discouraging her from her quest. Finally I had enough. I look at her like she is an alien, but then I soften to lure her in

"Quinn would you meet me in the auditorium at lunch" I ask her and her whole face lights up.

"Of course Finny I'll be there." And she leaves.

I whip out my phone and call my mom and Burt they've been after me all week long to get a restraining order on Quinn. But I didn't want to seem like a pussy so I kept telling them no, I could handle it. Well enough is enough.

"Burt, yeah it's me Finn"

'Hello son, what can I do you for?"

"I hate to say it but you and mom are right the only way to get this crazy bit-Witch off my back is the restraining order. Can you get me and take me to the station? I want to get one for me, Rach and the baby. This girl just doesn't take no for an answer."

"I'll grab your ma, and Rach and we will be there in 30. Sign yourself out and be waiting." Burt tells me.

"Thanks dad" I say quickly and hang up. It's not that I don't think of him as my dad because really he is the closest thing to a dad I've ever had. I just never called him that. But something tells me he won't care.

As I walk to the attendance office I figure I should give Rachel the heads up.

"Hey baby" she purrs into the phone

"Hello my love" I speak back

"What do I owe the pleasure of you missing History class to speak to me for?" Rachel says with a hint of scolding in her voice for me missing History class.

"I know I shouldn't be cutting class, but Burt and mom are on their way to get you. I can't take it anymore babe, Quinn is being ...."

Rachel cuts me off "Overbearing, a bitch, relentless" I chuckle because she can so read my mind

"All of those. We are getting the restraining orders mom and Burt have been begging us to get"

"You know baby, it doesn't make you less of a man. It makes you more, because it shows you will do anything to keep your family safe. I'm so proud of you.'

I puff out my chest. Rach has that effect on me 'Thanks babe. Before anyone tells you. Quinn came up to me in the hall with her usual we could be together crap and instead of yelling or pushing her away I thought I'd take a different approach. I'm having her meet me in the auditorium at lunch then I will have the officer serve her with the restraining orders. I don't want anyone telling you I was canoeing with her in the hall." I tell my girl

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