Part 18

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Let's start story no recap

Yn pov

I was waiting for in youp and all and because of it I am getting angry as this bitch is irritating ke soo much that if I get untie then I will kill him without wasting any second

Author pov

Jack - Hello guys I came back well sweetheart when will you sweetheart will come
Man 3- sirr..... (Was going to say something)
Jack - ohh sorry thankyou for correcting me (thought that he is correcting him) well your sweetheart is here already I mean who forcefully married you
Man 3- sirr.....,...
Jack- Now what happened (shout )
Suddenly a bullet came and..... Thats it man 3 died on the spot
Everyone man of Jack got ready but............... A thing came and.... It.
...... was mere (heehee)

Author - nooo noo don't think about blast it's mee
Pearls - yoouuuu get out from here let's us read
Author - okay okay, no one respect me

In youp - hey Jack long time no see
Jack - mee too well how are u
In youp - fine u
Jack - I am very much fine
In youp - but now you will not
Jack - I should sat this well it's nice that you come yourself to diee with my hands
In youp - you can't even touch me and you are saying that you will kill me
Makane line if itzy, txt, sz- hyung /ippa this is the most funniest jok I had listen
In youp - Me too
Yn - if your meeting each other is done then can you procceed(shout + angry)

Everyone gulp even Jack and hus man too
In youp - babe...(cut off by yn)
Yn - Fuck the word babe can't you proceed with out anything (shout)
All gulp who are present in the room x yn
In youp - h.. Let's start

Bangpink pov
We hear gun shot sound and we turn our head and saw in youp . They were talking like they are meeting each other afters o many time then we see them talking suddenly we hear shout of yn)/unnie/noona  yes we accept her,well she was looking angry when she said this we also got scared
We accept her long time ago but we can't do anything as she is not staying with us we want her to live with us like she live with txt and all.

Author pov

Sz, txt, itzy, iu, juhi, somi was killing mans of Jack
In youp and Jack was standing and pointing gun towards each other

[ author - Don't know what happen to both of them they were standing like this for an hour just kidding minutes you can say]

Yn - Somi come here and open this rope
Somi - coming unniE
Then somi open the ropes of everyone
Yn (went towards both of them and slap Jack arm and inyoup arms )
If any of you don't take step then I will kill both of you (shout angry )
Jack and inyoup - why did you beat us
Yn - why did I beat you wait juhi give me gun I will shoot both of them (angry)
Juhi - unniee.... (Cut off by in youp)
In youp - babe I am your husband
Yn - don't worry many boys wants to marry me I will marry one of them after I kill you(angry voice)
Jack - see sort this matter afterwards but why want you kill me I didn't do anything
Yn -you guys just kill each other I can't stay with you both (starts walking away)
Jack - but I am your brother (shout)
Yn - (stops on her track turn her head) what........ (Shocked)
In youp/Bangpink/Sz/itzy/ku/somi/juhi- What ??(shout + shocked)
Yn - But.. My brother dies in front of my eyes I..... I..... (Tearing) (Cut off by Jack)
Jack - When you saw me in hospital it was not me
Yn - no... no... you are lying

For today this much only because I am not that much fine to write more I wrote this part slowly it takes me 2 -3 days because of my fever that's why I thought to upload this much only as most of you are waiting I will try my best to upload another part today I hope you like this byee 💜🖤💗❤🧡💛💚💙🤍🤎

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