Part 19

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No recap

Let's start the story

Jack - I am not lying listen (slowly went towards yn and make her sit on chair and also sit on groung and while still grabbing her hand) when you thought thti died in accident you came to mee when you saw me lying ok ground but I thought that i will die so i was saying you my last words and suddenly I stop speaking am I right and you thought that i die

Yn - (nod)

Jack - I was just faint which is normal after accidents and also you know Mrs. Kim make fake news of me dying

Yn - but how

Jack - when I was in hospital you are not ready  to face me that time then Mrs. Kim came when I saw her I thought to listen what will she say to her son when she saw me like this but i dont thought that she is that women who wants her son to die

Yn - what(shock)

Jack - she came inside room and saw nurse she say to nurse to call doctor and also said that there is a girl outside if she ask something say that it is not possible and nurse also say okay because Mrs. Kim threaten her and when doctor came she wants a body which look same like my body and doctor said yes you will get that body and then she waits for me to wake up when I acted like I woke up she said that if you want yn to take that things which you and I only know that which he wants to give you before he die so i nodded she then said that you have to leave this country for always if you don't want me to break those things and I want you to take those things because appa said that they are very precious and he said that when your 16 birthday will happen than he will give you those things but before your birthday he die and also me

Yn - what

Jack - I have proof also he call nurse and doctor
They said everything

Yn - now Mrs. Kim no one can save you from death(angry)

Jack - sorry (to bangpink) but now your mother ohh sorry step mother is also going to die with your step sister let's go

Yn went out and start driving crazily to Kim mansion while others are behind her

She reached Kim mansion along with Jack , kims, sz, txt, itzy, ku, somi, juhi

Yn - Mrs. Kim come here wherever you are (shout)

Mrs. Kim come along with Mr. Kim and suzy

Mrs. Kim - yn daughter what...... (Stopped on her track when she saw Jack)

Mrs. Kim - yn what he is doing with you

Yn - are you the one who make fake news of my brother died (shout)

Mrs. Kim - yn what are you saying (scared but did not show it)

Yn - yes or no

Mrs. Kim - yes because I don't want you and your so called brother I hate you
both from very start (shout)

Yn - why (cold dark voice)
Which scared everyone in room x in youp

Mrs. Kim - because I used your father for money fame and if you both woll be their than i will not get anything

Yn - and this is why after dad got died you always go in club and fuck other's and this is how your slut daughter suzy born am I right (shout dark angry voice)

Mrs. Kim - yess but now you can't even touch me because I have a mafia husband (sarcastically laugh)

Yn - wrong Mrs. Kim because if your husband is mafia then I am mafia queen

Mrs Kim - whattt (starts going towards Mr. Kim) honey save me you love me right

Yn - soo late Mrs. Kim byee have a nice life in hell (dark chuckle) (shoot shoot shoot )

And on spot Mrs. Kim and suzy bith died and yn fainted

In youp - ynnnn (hurriedly went towards yn before she touch ground)

Sz, txt, itzy, juhi, somi, iu , jack - ynn/unnie/noona

In youp - ynn babbee wake up babe I can't live without you please wake up

Juhi h unnie please wake up I will do your all work

Maknae line of sz, txt, itzy - noona/ unnie wake up we will jot fight

Jin- in youp please take yn to room and doctor is coming in 2 mins

In youp - yes hyung

Doctor arrived

Doctor - can you all go out of room for sometime I have to check her

Everyone went outside

Then doctor called everyone

Doctor - who is her husband
In youp - doctor it's me
Doctor - please take care of her make her eat more than her diet it's not good for baby
Every one - what
Doctor - did not she told you that she is pregnant
In youp - no doctor
Doctor - well I think she wants you to surprise but now if you got it then I will tell you that she is 1 month pregnant so please take care of her
In youp - yes doctor we will thank you
Doctor - it's my duty
Rm - let's go doctor I will drop you till gate
In youp - guys I am going to be father
Everyone including kims - congratulations in youp /oppa/hyung

Everyone thought to give sometime to in youp and yn so they went outside

Yn (wake up) - babe
In youp - babe do you want to tell me anything
Yn - yeah I want to tell you but I think doctor told you
In yiup - hmn (hug)thankyou so much for giving me this happiness
Yn - (years in her eyes) I want dad to be here
In youp- babe don't cry see appa is also seeing his grandchild in your stomach (kiss her stomach )
Yn - well what you want
In youp - I want girl who will be daddy's princess
Yn - (smile)
Knock knock

In youp - come in
Maknae line x kims - (hug) congratulations noona /unnie for making us uncle and aunt
Yn - your welcome
Hyung line x kims - congratulations yn
Yn - thank you oppa and unnie
Mr. Kim - well congratulations yn
Yn - thank you Mr. Kim. Mr. Kim are you angry with me that i killed your wife
Mr. Kim - no yn I am happy that I got to know about her intentions , also I can't do anything about love in my case
Yn - I know how are you feeling
Mr. Kim- now it will be again same house that is before she came
Yn - (look in youp) well appa
Mr. Kim (look) what did you call me
Yn - appa if you don't...
Mr. Kim - no no I like it sag what you want
Yn - well since I become your daughter so will you fulfill your daughter wish
Mr. Kim - yeah sure what is your wish
Yn - stay with us please
Mr. Kim - but...
Everyone x kims - yes uncle please /appa
Mr. Kim - (laugh) sure we will i will get going
Kims - congratulations
Yn - well it looks like you guys still did not accept me but. ........ (Cut off when kims hug her)
Kims - no yn /unnie/noona we accept you
Yn - well me and my family also so go and pack your bags guys
Kims - yeah we are going byee
Yn - byee

In youp - so babe you rest till we will come back
Yn - hmm
Eveyone x kims- byee
Yn - byee

Yn pov
Well j know dad that you are seeing me and the things which I go through I don't want that thing to happen with anybody
(While caressing her stomach)

Knock knock
Yn - come in
Jack - ynn
Yn - yeah oppa
Jack - I am sorry i dont want this to happen like this
Yn - it's okay oppa i know that you just want family
Jack - thankyou for your forgiveness
Yn - oppa dont say like that
Jack - will you give em hug
Yn - sure(yn hug Jack)
Jack - sorry sweetie
Yn - ahh

Total word - 1317

Guys another twist is going to come for now bye I hope you like this part next part will come soon and this tory is going to end soon jn 2 or 3 days so after this one more story I will start will the story which I have start when this story was going on so if you have some ideas you can tell me I can make one person or another than bangpink if you want but please wrote that ideas in comment or you can write it on conversation
Byee love you❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎💗
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