4. wakey wakey eggs and bakey

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When 2D woke up, the tasty smell of bacon hit his nostrills. He got up, went to the kitchen, and saw Cyborg making eggs and bacon. She had a cute pink apron on and didn't have her rifle on her. "I was instructed to make you breakfast. According to my calculations it will take another 2 minutes for it to be ready for consumption." 2D nodded, he just realized he was still in his night shirt and underwear but sat down at the table anyway. When the eggs where done Cyborg put them on a plate and told 2D to wait a bit before it cooled. After a while Murdoc came into the kitchen, stretching his back. "aaahhh, mornin' dullard." He said. 2D smiled weakly and said hi, before attacking his breakfast. He was so hungry he practically inhaled it like a vacuum cleaner. Murdoc looked at him eating, astonished that such a sweet and cute looking guy could eat that fast. Cyborg asked Murdoc what he wanted and he told her he'd have a simple toast today. Before 2D arived he'd have a whole 5 star meal for breakfast, but now he just felt like something simple. 2D noticed that Murdoc's paranoia seemed to be gone, maybe because he finally had some human company after being alone with Cyborg for so long. 2D realized that Murdoc was blushing again, but the man himself didn't seem to notice. 2D realized how cute Murdoc looked, and he also started blushing. After eating every single bit of egg and bacon left on his plate Cyborg took it away and went to make him tea. It was astonishing how she managed to do so many things at the same time; she was cleaning the kitchen, toasting some bread in a pan for Murdoc, and making 2D peppermint tea. She opened a cupboard and got some car oil out of it. She drank it all and made some twitchy movements. After that she seemed to move more smoothly and Murdoc saw 2D staring at her. "That's a little upgrade i gave 'er. It automatically spreads all the oil over her joints and shit so she don't become all rusty. Smart, eh?" Murdoc said. 2D nodded. He sipped his tea, still staring at Cyborg. Murdoc was lost in thought for a moment and was debating confessing to 2D. He knew it was stupid, but he just couldn't handle looking at the cute bluenette knowing he wasn't his. "Hey, Stu...?" Murdoc said, blushing heavily wich he didn't notice. 2D looked up, surprised, and said "You haven't called me Stu in years..." Murdoc looked away cursed at himself. He shouldn't have said anything. "Hey, i didn't say i didn't like it, did i?" 2D said. Murdoc looked up at him and shook his head. 2D nodded, he understood that Murdoc didn't want to say anymore. 2D finished his tea and stood up. He went to his room and started a deep thinking session. Murdoc hadn't beat him up even once ever since he'd arived on Plastic Beach, wich was wierd considering how abusive Murdoc was before the band split up. It was really wierd. Maybe he was being nice to get 2D to coöperate, or perhaps he was just lonely. Either way, it couldn't mean anything else. Right...? 2D stared at his ceiling, and felt his sore back. After a while Murdoc came into the room, greeted 2D with a wave, and hung a clock on the wall. 2D looked at him, and he shrugged. He went over to 2D and pat his head. 2D just laid there, kinda confused. Why was he doing all these sweet little things? More importantly, why was he not beating 2D up? 2D was used to that, and this sweetness made him feel wierd. Back to Murdoc, he sat on his bed, his head in his hands. He decided he didn't want 2D to know yet, because the bluenette might push him away. He didn't want that. Instead he decided he'd try to act more careless to avoid suspicion. Maybe 'lash out' at 2D once or twice. That way the bluenette wouldn't notice and things could go back to normal. He didn't like this idea but thought it was his only option. Now to 2D. He looked at the clock. He'd completely lost track of time on this island, and he didn't know wether it was tuesday or if days even existed anymore. It was 4:28. He'd just had breakfast. How long had he slept? He decided he'd brainstorm for some song ideas to pass the remaining time until dinner. He sat at his keyboard and turned it on. He started absentmindedly playing some tunes and ended up making another song sample, without vocals this time because his throat was sore for no reason. He'd add them later. He'd really used up all of his motivation now and couldn't think of anything else. (A/N: me too Stu me too) he just laid down on his bed. After a while he got extremely bored and stared out the window, trying to see if he could spot a fish. Of course, he had no such luck. This was a dead spot for fish. What he did see, was a whale somewhere in the distance. He'd always been afraid of whales, for no particular reason. He decided he'd go up to see if Cyborg had made some dinner. When he got to the elevator however, the doors just wouldn't open. And if course this wretched building had no stairs, so he was forced to go back. He lay back down on his bed, not even one thought crossing his mind. After a while Cyborg came into his room and handed him a plate with food. He thanked her and ate it in silence. She waited for him to finish and took his plate. He wondered why he couldn't come upstairs for dinner. Maybe Murdoc was in a bad mood? He noticed that Cyborg had left something on his chair (AKA makeshift nightstand) and took a closer look. It was an ipod, and it had all of their songs on it. Minus the few Murdoc disliked, because 2D had written them himself. He'd only made them because Noodle had insisted, and always complained about how bad they were after. 2D plugged his headphones into the thing and looked for a song. He noticed there was also a kind of folder with Murdoc's music in it. He guessed this thing was Murdoc's, and smiled. He started listening to Re-Hash, to relive the times where the band was still together. He was really self-consious about his singing back then, and only sang because Murdoc would beat him if he didn't. About Murdoc... He'd just made one of the toughest decisions of his life. He'd locked 2D in his room and wasn't planning on interacting with him at all except for recording songs. Why did he do this, you ask? His plan from earlier. He was going to bully 2D again to avoid the bluenette finding out about his feelings. He also did it because he was kind of ashamed of his feelings now. He was fucking Murdoc Niccals, for crying out loud. How could he fall for such a wimp like 2D? He went to the kitchen to get drunk and numb his feelings. He got his vodka and poured himself a glass. He gulped it like it was a shot and poured himself some more. Long story short, he got very drunk and ended up drinking 1½ bottles of vodka before passing out.


2D had fallen asleep listening to music and woke up to some of Murdoc's music playing. He'd listened to all of their own music and it automatically switched to Murdoc's. He angrily turned it off, not in the mood for agressive rock and roll and whatever shit Murdoc listened to. It was early in the morning, still night by Murdoc's standards. The lazy asshole always slept until 1 in the afternoon. He tried to remember the last time Murdoc got out of bed earlier than that, but it was impossible. 2D got up, realizing he hadn't even taken his night shirt off when he ate breakfast/lunch yesterday. He was pretty hungry and tried to go up to the kitchen, but the elevator wouldn't open. He sighed and went back to his bed. After a minute or so he decided he wasn't comfortable anymore and went to sit in his bean bag. He hadn't talked to Murdoc for a while now and he felt sad. He didn't even know why he felt it, he just did. It was a bit of a lonely sadness, and 2D thought Really? Am i actually missing Murdoc? He picked up the notebook from the floor and got a pencil. He started doodling a little guy on an empty page. Soon the guy got a mullet, and soon after that it had Murdoc's outfit from the past two days. 2D was lost in thought and didn't even notice he was drawing little hearts next to the little Murdoc guy. When he did notice he blushed and threw the notebook away. It landed in the corner and most of the pages were all scrunched up now. 2D was still blushing and thought he'd take a shower. He dug in the pile of towels in the corner of the miserable bathroom, trying to find one that didn't stink like cigarettes and alcohol. 2D doubted that Murdoc ever washed them, considering how filthy he always was. When 2D found a relatively clean towel he placed it on the toilet (dw the toilet  was closed). He turned the shower on, and waited for it to get warm. After a few minutes of waiting it was still cold and 2D just sighed and went in. He shivered and sat down on the little ledge where he usually put the soap on. It was like a little seat, but oncomfortable. Everything here was uncomfortable, minus the beanbag. Although the beanbag stank like Murdoc, AKA alcohol, cigarettes and sweat. He was lost in thought and didn't even notice Murdoc creeping into his room and stealing a shirt. Murdoc tip-toed out, making sure that he made almost no noise, and giggled at his victory. He was still a little bit drunk and couldn't go back to sleep. He had also noticed he slept like a baby when 2D was next to him, so he went on a mission for 2D's shirt to see if it would help him sleep. He smelled the shirt, the smell was almost as intoxicating as cocaine. It snelled good. He kept smelling it until the elevator stopped. The door opened and Murdoc saw Cyborg. She was standing in front of the elevator, in the kitchen. Murdoc froze, his face still buried in 2D's shirt. "Sir, did you have permission to take that clothing item?" She said. Murdoc stayed silent, and Cyborg knew the answer. She got into the elevator next to Murdoc and pressed the button to the lobby. Murdoc folded the piece of fabric under his arm. He was blushing and thanked satan that he hadn't programmed her to know what a blush could mean except for sickness. The elevator went to Murdoc's room first and Cyborg saluted to him as the doors closed. He sighed and went to his bed. He layed down, sniffing the sweet material. He fell asleep almost immediatly and awoke when he would normally get up. Huh, it had really worked. He grabbed the shirt again before sniffing it longingly, almost as if he was snorting some kind of drug. It was a drug to him, it smelled so sweet and cleared his mind so easily. He took it down to the kitchen with him and called for Cyborg to make him food. She made him breakfast and he ate it, occasionally sniffing the shirt. He now felt bad about locking 2D in his room and abandonned his attempt to bully 2D. It simply made him feel worse about the whole situation, and he couldn't stand it. He ordered Cyborg to take away the fingerprint scanner he'd put into the elevator button by 2D's room. That was the thing that prevented the doors from opening when 2D pressed the button. Cyborg saluted to Murdoc and got to work while 2D watched her doubtfully. After all this had been one hell of a ride here on Plastic Beach already, and 2D had only been here a few days. At least, he thought he'd only been here a few days. He hadn't kept track and he could've been here for a month for all he knew. When Cyborg was done she left and went to the kitchen to charge. 2D pressed the button and to his surprise, the doors finally opened! He went to the kitchen for some food because he was really hungry.

This chapter was more than 2100 words and it would've been even longer if i didn't stop meself
I also made 2D lose track of the days in here because i myself lost track of them :sob:
It kinda fits into the story bc its hard to keep up with the days if youre constantly in the same building with no internet whatsoever
It kinda feels wierd writing about an ipod in 2024 and i've never even touched one in my life (my parents refused to get me one and i was really mad)
They did get me a phone at one point and im still gratefull even though it couldn't even run shitty little mobile games properly
I have a better phone now lucky for me
This A/N was kinda long sooo

Bye bye and this time i allow you to binge read :] (jk DON'T BINGE READ)

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